
Friday, October 5, 2018

40 Things About Me

A couple months ago, I turned 40 -- and I thought it might be fun to share 40 things about me... some you might know and some you might not.


  1. Growing up, I was the youngest sibling - and cousin on both sides of my family. 
  2. At age 25, I became the middle child of 5 when my parents adopted my younger siblings. 
  3. John and I met online - before it was a real thing... three different times before it stuck. 
  4. The first time we met, I scared him off by sending a photo that made me look too young. 
  5. We were married when I was 23.
  6. I cried through our entire wedding ceremony because I was so nervous about facing the congregation. 
  7. My first semester of college, I attended the University of Alabama, and remember it fondly even though at the time I thought I was miserable.
  8. I had a 12-year long career in non-profit fundraising and data management before having the boys. 
  9. In college, I interned for Children's Miracle Network and fell in love with helping people through charities. 
  10. While working with Children's Miracle Network, I worked on their annual telethon... it was amazing and exhausting.
  11. I was the only Ring Dance coordinator (think, 7 proms with different themes & entertainment all happening at the same time) my senior year at Texas A&M, it was a huge undertaking, but I learned a LOT about myself that year. 
  12. My senior year at A&M was the year of the Bonfire Collapse, and I've never been more proud and humbled of my Aggie Family than I was during those excruciatingly painful days. 
  13. I began a new job on September 11, 2001 -- and watched the events of that day unfold on a television in their lobby before being sent home for the day. 
  14. I was supposed to fly to Chicago on September 12, 2001, for a trip with my sisters and stepmom, but that trip never happened due to the closure of all the air travel at that time. (I've still never been to Chicago.)
  15. Two of my favorite places that I've ever been are - New York City and Washington, D.C. 
  16. In the summer between 7th & 8th grade, I went on a 3-week long bus tour of the West Coast with my school. 
  17. When I was very young, my grandfather had his own airplane so if I wanted to visit... I'd call him and ask him to send the plane to get me. 
  18. I couldn't be more grateful that I was able to grow up without social media... I can't imagine if the antics we lived back then were on social media. 🙅
  19. I won my first computer at my after-prom party... I actually won a stereo but traded it with a friend for the computer & that's the computer I had when I met John. 
  20. I am allergic to saltwater -- and apparently my own sweat if it stays on my skin for too long.
  21. As a small child, I wanted to be a marine biologist, which would have been problematic with my saltwater allergy. 
  22. After an 8 year battle through infertility, James was born.
  23. Tyler was born 6 months later after an intense pregnancy.
  24. I was 32 years old when they were born.
  25. We moved to Memphis for a couple of years when the boys were 9 & 15 months old. 
  26. I've suffered from migraines since high school.
  27. My first mini-stroke was in January 2013, and I spent several days in the hospital because of it. 
  28. We moved home in October 2013, and I had a second mini-stroke in my Dad's driveway. 
  29. In March 2014, I finally was diagnosed with MoyaMoya Disease.
  30. I had two brain surgeries in the summer of 2014, and the first one mostly cured me of daily migraine headaches and periods of not being able to control my muscles.
  31. We chose to homeschool because of some learning challenges that James deals with. 
  32. I used to make beaded jewelry as a side business.
  33. I've tried several MLM companies, and while I love the products... I am just NOT cut out for that work. 
  34. I've always dreamed of writing a book, and I'm now making it happen! 
  35. I'm a self-proclaimed planner junkie... I need a 12-step program.
  36. Baking and cooking relax me, but meal planning stresses me out. 
  37. Reading is one of my favorite past-times, and I try to read between 35-50 books every year. 
  38. I love giving gifts, but birthdays and Christmas stress me out because I want to get the perfect gift for each person. I'm never confident that they will like the gift. 
  39. In 6th grade, I won a solo singing competition... but I quickly retired afterward. 
  40. Last but not least... and I take a lot of heat for this one... but I'm not a fan of bacon or seafood. I will tolerate bacon in recipes, but I'd never crave it. 

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