
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Christmas Recap

Whew, we've been so crazy lately -- it's funny how every year I forget that Christmas is basically a two and a half week long sprint. I'd say marathon, but it's really not... it's just GO GO GO for about 18 days!

We started off this year with my mom visiting, and the boys had a ball with her. We celebrated with gifts, and dinner at Benihana. The next day we went to see the movie Coco, and then both kids got super sick... which wasn't fun, but clearly it's going around heavily this season -- and no one has come down with the flu in my house, so I'll take it! We visited Santa the day before Mom came too - so I'm including that with her celebration.

Next up was Christmas Eve; which we made the most of - cooking, baking, making reindeer food, putting out reindeer food, reading our traditional "Twas the Night Before Christmas", and a few pictures under the tree before bed. 

Christmas Day was split into two parts -- but we had our morning at home where Santa came,  we opened gifts from each other, and we had a nice breakfast. We then got cleaned up and went to the Hawkins Family Christmas... where we ate again... and again... and again... We opened more gifts, another round of stockings, played with cousins, and had our Christmas Dinner of prime rib. 

Our last official Christmas Celebration was on December 30th, which is when we celebrated with my Dad's side of our family. All 17 of us in one house... it's always a good time. We had a great lunch, enjoyed more stocking fun, opened gifts, and played games. It's always such a fun day for everyone -- and my niece brought her puppy which was great fun for the 3 little boys... they wore Duke out for the day! 

For New Years, we took a slower approach... with LOTS of resting time. I'll update you on that tomorrow!

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