
Monday, January 18, 2016

Menu Monday - Trim Healthy Mama 2

Last week was our first full week trying to navigate doing all of our meals on the THM plan, and we had some really big wins. We loved several of the new recipes we tried, and feel really confident that we can make this plan work for us.

I did go through a little bit of detox being off of sugar and Splenda this last week, but I'm over the hump and moving on to greener pastures. It's hard to tell if that's the case because I also was dealing with some sinus issues and possibly some weather related headaches too -- so who knows, but all I know is that this morning I woke up and have been running all day.

I got up and immediately made breakfast -- Chocolate Waffles with Strawberries -- which meant that I ground some oatmeal into flour and used the waffle iron! Yay, ME! I put some mini chocolate chips and sliced strawberries on the boys' waffles, but for John and I - we just used the sliced strawberries and a 1/2 TBS of butter.

Tyler has fallen in love with some of these new foods -- which is amazing -- we are hoping to inch him onto the plan as well in a bit of a modified version. He LOVES the Strawberry Cheesecake Shake -- as you can tell -- since it is an afternoon snack everyday. I try to time it to be around his dinner time -- because they eat much earlier than Mom & Dad do. So we include it as a part of his dinner.

Have a great week and let me know if you're doing the THM plan too! I'd love to hear your favorite meal ideas!

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