
Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday Favorites - Fall

I'm starting a new linkup for Fridays with my dear friend Becky. We thought it would be fun to talk about some of our favorite things, so that's what we're planning to do. Every week will have a different theme, and we hope you'll join us in this fun... both of us love to write, and this gives everyone at least one topic already decided for the week!

 This week's theme is: Fall! So we'll be writing about our favorite things about the fall season. It could be one thing for you or 50 -- but join in the fun, and be sure to link up with us so that we can see your answers. For me the Fall is one of my favorite times of year. I just love the change of pace from the long hot summer -- I love the cooler weather, and when I lived in Tennessee - the change of colors in the trees was just amazing. I enjoy in general getting outside more with the milder temperatures!

 Here are some of my favorites for the season:

 1) School Supplies -Yes, I'm a giant nerd. I'm also a homeschooling mom -- so the discounts on school supplies is always welcomed. I just love the smell of new fresh school supplies though -- I always have, even as a kid. My mom used to load me up at Office Depot, and I just loved that back to school trip. Of course this was in the days where you kept your own supplies instead of putting them into a giant pool for the whole class. Also before the days where school districts didn't supply the teachers with enough copy paper to get through the year, but I digress...

 2) Starbucks - I love Starbucks year round, but there is just something about enjoying a hot cup of Mocha (my drink of choice) or whatever your drink might be on that first cold snap of the season. I've always likened it to a warm internal hug. I just love that, and when you combine it with my next item on the list... it's EVEN BETTER.

3) Craft Fairs - Oh, how I love a good craft fair. I just enjoy walking around and looking at everything that is offered, and finding a few gems to take home with me. I'm a complete sucker for everything that is sold at those events. It's been a couple of years since I've gotten to go to one, but I hope to break that dry spell this year.

 4) Football - I'm a loyal Texas A&M fan, and we're having a great run since joining the SEC -- so it's fun to be a fan right now. My kids enjoy going to the games with my husband, and I just enjoy all that goes along with football. Making tailgating meals at home when the games are away, cheering for our team, and general football shenanigans.

 5) Pumpkin Patches - I don't know if it's because my kids are small or if I just truly love them, but we've had the best time each year going to visit a local pumpkin patch or two. There is one close to our house that is very small, but decorates a bunch of different themed pumpkins -- like a Disney Princess section, a Sesame Street section, a Farm section, and Superheros too -- they make the pumpkins look like the characters and the boys think it's really fun. We also have some bigger ones that are great fun around our area too. Tyler even had his birthday party at a pumpkin patch last year - it had a petting zoo, pony rides, train rides, and several other fun things for all the kids to do.

We would love to have you join in with us, and we've planned out a few weeks ahead so that you can start thinking of your favorites on these topics...

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