
Friday, May 8, 2015

Busy Homeschool Day

Yesterday was a very busy day for us - it was a field trip day with our homeschool group friends. We went to tour the local mounted police stables, and got to feed the horses carrots & apples. The boys had a good time feeding the horses, but had a hard time with the portions that involved sitting in the classroom. I think it must be their age and the fact that they are SO close in age, but they just pick at each other the entire time they are supposed to pay attention. I hope that gets better with age because I need a break from that level of crazy.

Here are some pictures from our field trip...

After we left the stables, we decided to go have a surprise lunch with Daddy. It was $.92 cent hotdog day at James Coney Island - so the boys could eat as much as they wanted for CHEAP! They loved it, and then once we were done with lunch - we went up in Daddy's office to visit all of his coworkers.

Finally, last night was our Homeschool Group's Moms Night Out - so we went to Shogun for hibachi. It is always nice to be able to catch up with other moms that can relate so much to what your own life is like on a daily basis. In our little group of 5 moms out last night... there were truly some amazing warrior moms there. Two of them have autistic children, one deals with severe gluten allergies in herself and her children, one has 4 children and is trying to sell her house, and one has a child with severe ADHD. There were 5 moms representing 12 children. We had a great time, laughed a lot, and just had some time of fellowship and relaxing. I can't wait until the next one on June 1st.

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