
Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Well Planned Day Planner

When we decided to homeschool the boys, I started looking for a planner that would accommodate the various things going on in our lives -- school, appointments, my Scentsy business, and home organization. I believe I've found just the planner for me - The Well Planned Day Planner.

I'm going to show you the various things I love about this planner, but want to let you know that I did not receive anything for free so these are my honest opinions. I personally love that it's spiral bound as well as hole punched because I'm thinking of taking mine apart and putting it in a binder. It runs from July through June of each year -- so the newest version just came out in print recently.

In addition to a great planner, this gem also has 12 articles written on all sorts of topics like: Letting Kids be Kids, Recovering from Homeschool Burnout, and 5 Things I Wish I'd Known Before I Started Homeschooling. They are short reads with great information.

I has a perpetual calendar that you can enter your important dates in as well as putting them in on the dates they fall in the year. Additionally, it has a budget worksheet and a household duty worksheet - so you can set up a cleaning schedule for yourself with weekly information as well as special projects for the month.

There are 4 pull out sheets where on one side it's a chore chart, and the reverse side is a mini school schedule for each child to know what subjects they need to work on each day. I plan on using these in the future and laminating them to put on our refrigerator.

There is a worksheet for the teacher to plan out your schedule  for the week - which I will use to not only plan out our school schedule, but throw in cleaning time, and business hours for my work as well.

There are 4 sections following that follow to track all the information for your child's personalized plan for school - you can track the materials to be used and costs, personal information for your child like their goals and additionally their weekly schedule. The teacher's schedule looks exactly like the student's -- so I'm only going to show you the version for the kids. I personally don't have 4 kids, but I love that they've set it up this way. I do hope to have another baby in the future -- and who knows what will happen from there so this planner can grow with our family over time.

There is a great year at a glance page where you can plan out your holidays and things that you'll want to plan for your school year. I plan to compare the school calendars locally as well as the calendars for our family so that we can make sure that things all match up as best we can for holidays and vacations. The other side of this layout is a sheet for you to write out your goals for the semester.

Of course there is a two page monthly layout, and if you look closely at the bottom of each date -- there is a plan for you to read the Bible as a family with chapters for each day's reading.

On the back of this layout there is a page for planning additional reading project lists, field trip plans, and monthly bills... with a second page with 6 shopping lists that you can pull out to use.

Your weekly schedule is set up with each day you can plan your class assignments (each subject has 4 lines -- one for each student) Then there are two sections for additional electives or daily appointments. I LOVE the check boxes that are built in for when an assignment or item is completed. The left side of the layout has Monday - Wednesday, and the right side has Thursday-Friday as well as some other great items. I love the open boxes for your weekend planning, the weekly priority boxes, and the menu planner.

As you move out of November, there is a great section of holiday organizers with a Christmas Card planning list, Activity planners, Gift giving lists with budget, shopping list broken down by store and list of items to get, online shopping planner with date ordered & received tracker, and a page for notes.

As you move out of December, there is a page to write out our semester accomplishments, and and attendance tracker for each student that you can use -- some states require proof of your homeschooling dates and things - I think this is a GREAT resource for keeping up with these items. On the back of each attendance record, there is a progress report form that you can track weekly grades and the semester grades for each subject as well.

At the very end of the of the planner there are 4 report cards on a nice card stock paper - they pull out and fold in half. They will be a neat keepsake to keep with your child's school records, and will be great to look back on when they get older. We of course won't be using them until we get to a level with tests in the curriculum, but I think they are great! When the report card is folded: there is a cover, then a side with grades and attendance, a side with literature completed and enrichment activities, and finally a page for comments.

(I can't get this picture oriented correctly for some reason)

My plan is to add a couple of other items in with this to complete my planner -- I will likely laminate a more detailed cleaning schedule to put inside the planner I can then use it as a wipe off schedule for the week -- and it can be moved around to mark the place for where we are currently... like a place holder for where we are in the year. The publishers also have a sneak peak of the inside of the planner you can check out here. Additionally, they have student planners and even have an online version that you can share between all of your electronic devices -- each family member can have a unique log-in for their family's information which could be convenient with older children.

I am so excited to get started planning out our year!

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