
Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 Days & A Birthday

Apparently, I messed up my post I wrote to start off my 30 days... so forgive me for the fumble starting... but here we go.

I'm planning to write a post everyday for the next 30 days as a part of a month of Thankful Days -- and to hopefully kick start me back on doing something I dearly love -- writing!

We have been in a whirlwind of crazy sicknesses since Tyler's Birthday (Oct 4th) -- with stomach viruses, colds, the flu, ear infections, you name it...

In the middle of it all though, Tyler turned two... and we traveled to Texas to celebrate. Tyler loves Elmo so the theme for his party was easily decided, and he was thrilled. I think a good time was had by all, and instead of boring you with a bunch of words... let me just show you the day in pictures.

Thank you to everyone that had a hang in making Tyler's day special, both by making things and attending. We had a wonderful time, and can't wait until we are back in Texas full-time to share in many more days like this with those that are near and dear to our hearts.

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