
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Reintroduction & Genetics

I had a post planned, but felt like I needed to write a little bit of an introduction for the folks coming over from Jenna's Journey this week - as I'm participating in her 3rd Annual Comment Challenge. I rocked it yesterday - as the goal is to leave comments on 10 new blogs, and I did 20!

A little about me: I'm a 34 year old native Texan currently (temporarily) transplanted to Memphis, TN. I've been married to John for just over 10 years, and am mom to two toddler boys. After 8 years of trying and being eventually told that I couldn't have a child biologically - we stopped fertility treatments and decided to adopt. (There are 7 adopted kiddos in our close family)

We chose our agency, got the process rolling, had a failed placement, and then just 4 months after our home study was final... we brought home our precious James. The SAME day we brought James home from the hospital, we found out that I was pregnant. Three months pregnant to be exact... so just 6 months later we brought our little miracle baby, Tyler, home. Tyler was in the NICU for 12 days after birth - he needed some help with breathing, and had some struggles with learning to eat on his own.

Before the boys were born, I spent 10 years working as a database administrator and jack of all trades in the fundraising industry. I worked with researching people for donations, tracking donation campaigns, writing grants, and many other duties in my various positions within that industry. When we moved to Memphis though, I was able to "retire" and stay home with the boys. I continue to work to some degree through my Stella & Dot jewelry business, Scentsy business, and Velata chocolate fondue business. Scentsy keeps me busy because it is the most successful of my business adventures, please let me know if you're interested in hosting a party or would like information about how I am making extra money turning scents into dollars.

We have a cat and a dog... I love cooking and share my favorite recipes over on my cooking blog. I enjoy taking pictures of my family and friends for fun. Writing is something that relaxes me when I have the time - and I think that's about it in a nutshell.

I also wanted to take a minute to talk about genetics today. It's a topic that I find fascinating - simply because I am in awe of how people blend together into their children. Sometimes there is just no mistaking who a child's parents are - they just look exactly like them. Other times, they look nothing like their parents and it's amazing to see that too. The reason this comes into my mind from time to time is because of our sweet Tyler. He is a tiny replica of my Dad... almost like a tiny mirror image. Which is amazing and bizarre at the same time. I'm not even talking about him looking like my Dad as a child... he looks like my Dad as he is today. Take a look of these two peas in a pod from a little over a year ago... this photo was at James' 1st Birthday party in April 2011... but they still look just as much alike today as ever.

Just because he is super cute, I have to share a photo of my little man, James, too. He is all boy, and a sweet heart with a bit of a mischievous side too. He is more likely to mind than his brother, but I suspect that he just might be the master-mind behind some of Tyler's disobedience.

This blog is all about our crazy life, and I do hope you'll hop on board and join us in this journey!


  1. I love finding fellow Tennesseean's blogs! =) I live across the state in East Tennessee (Knoxville area) I found your blog via Jenna's Journey. I look forward to reading & I'm following! =) Love the layout of your blog!

  2. I had to comment from Jenna's b/c I too had weight loss surgery! I look forward to reading more of your story!

  3. Stopping by from Jenna's! Awesome story about your sons! Nice to meet you! :)

  4. Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm also from the Commenting Challenge! How fun with your two little boys so close in age! :)

  5. Hi there! I'm stopping by from Jenna's. I'm looking forward to reading your blog.

  6. Yay for Tennessee! I love finding bloggers from TN! Stopping by from Jenna's challenge! So glad to be following along!

  7. Stopping by from Jenna's! That's so fun having boys so close in age. My son is 21 months & we are having our second boy in July. I'm excited to have 2 boys close in age!

  8. Thank you for your sweet comments. We are taking it one day at a time...

    Your boys are adorable & I'd have no clue they weren't "blood" relatives if you hadn't mentioned it. My little boy looks just like my dad too. Of course, he's my bio kid so I guess it's not as much of a surprise. ;-)

  9. I enjoyed reading about your family. Your boys are adorable!!

  10. Hey Friend!!! I am back to blogging and had to stop by and say hi! On to enjoy my evening Velata and wine!!!

  11. Your boys are so cute! And I think it's great that james and Tyler look quite a bit alike, too. My son is adopted, and he looks nothing like us (my husband, daughter, and I all have dark hair and eyes, while my son is my blond haired blue eyed baby!). People comment on it all the time, saying "where did he get his blond hair from?" I just smile and tell them that the mailman is blond! :)

  12. I love your story of infertility, adoption and then a miracle pregnancy. I always hear of stories like that and it just makes me smile.


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!