
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Branson Stache Tour

If you're stopping in from Jenna's and want to read an intro on me - I wrote it yesterday, but check it out here.

I'm getting back into a bloggy groove this week, so instead of following the prompts - I'm just happy to be writing again. So, I thought that I'd write a fun post for you to see a sillier side of me. Earlier in June, my older sisters and I went to Branson for a weekend with our stepmom. Our main reason for going on the trip was because one of my sisters is turning 40 on the 30th of this month. So we went to spend some time relaxing from our daily grind as moms, and celebrate all of our birthdays... all of them occur between May and August... so it was in celebration of our 43, 40, and 34th birthdays. (I call them my older sisters because they are... but we also have a brother than is 10 and a sister that is 9.)

While we were in Branson doing some shopping, my sister found a package of mustaches in a toy store... so we decided to take pictures all across town with our mustaches... so here you go - a mustache tour of Branson.

And one good shot of the three of us that we gave our Dad for Father's Day - because he is so wonderful to foot the bill for the four of us to have a weekend to recharge from taking care of a combined 7 kiddos!

Me, Cathi, and Cindy
(youngest, oldest, middle)


  1. Stopping in from the Comment Challenge. You ladies are hilarious! Love the staches! :)

  2. That is too funny. (:

    I love your story of your 2 boys 6 months apart. (Not the part where you had to go through 8 years of infertility of course.) My two little ones are 11 months apart and I love it! It can be crazy but I really think it is wonderful.

    Both your boys are adorable!

  3. Looks like you made a happy memory. The photos are cute. Happy Birthday to all of you.
    I am visiting from Jenna's site.

  4. What a fun trip! It looks like you guys had a blast. I look forward to reading your blog. Blessings, Dani


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!