
Friday, April 6, 2012

Photo 365 - Week 13

We're getting close to being caught up...

March 24, John was helping to entertain the boys... James thought this was better than anything he'd done all day!

March 25, I bought this little back of mini-bananas and they were amazing. I have trouble with bananas being too ripe for as fast as we can eat them. These came completely green, and were the perfect size for the boys to eat a whole one. I got 6 of them for $.99!

March 26, my little trouble makers up on top of the toy box... ugh.

March 27, the start of James' birthday things coming in. Just a few things for some of our friends... I'm making special Dr. Seuss inspired cookies for his class this year. I can't wait to share the photos of those!

March 28, Tyler looked so cute in his outfit for school that I had to snap a quick photo of him.

March 29, my crazy boys playing on our pajama rest day... they are so silly! I must say it ended badly... but it was cute while they were giggling!

March 30, John caught this photo of the boys just before we put them to bed Friday night - they looked so darn cute!

March 31, we needed to take my car in for some routine maintenance which meant putting the car seats in John's car. They won't fit rear facing - so the boys got their first taste of sitting forward facing. James was so funny - he just stared with his mouth open most of the time. Occasionally, he would smile at me, but this was his face most of the time.

That catches us up! I'll likely be late getting this week's photos loaded because of Easter and James' birthday, but I'll get them up as soon as possible!

1 comment:

  1. I've nominated you for a blog award- check out my post for details.


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