
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Photo a Day - Week 8 & 9

I missed last weekend, and I can't even remember why - I think I just never had a chance to get on the computer. I'm desperately trying to not use my laptop when the boys are awake right now because I had to have some warranty work on it recently because of them pushing it over and messing with it one too many times. I find that because of this and my exhaustion when they go to bed at night - I rarely get on the laptop at night either. I'm trying to find my balance... and as usual, I'm failing miserably at that.

February 19 - I made my boys some Rice Krispies Treats because they love them, and I really enjoy making them happy.

February 20 - My oldest niece's 16th birthday - she is a big Starbucks fan, so I had one in her honor since we couldn't be together.

February 21 - My Dad's birthday... but also the day that we got "Allie" the cat! She is such a sweetie, and settled in quickly.

February 22 - Allie truly was completely at home and relaxed in less than 24 hours of being with us here... she makes me laugh! 

February 23 - My 10th wedding anniversary!! So hard to believe we've been married this long - for this anniversary, Momma got her first Coach purse & wallet!! WAH HOO! John is such an amazing man, and I'm blessed to be his partner for life. I'm ready for whatever the next 10 years brings! 

February 24 - I took the boys on our first outing to the park by ourselves. They had a great time, and we managed to get in and play without losing anyone or getting anyone hurt! 

February 25 - Daddy had to work all day on Saturday - so we tried to pack in some fun activities. Only Mommy didn't get the memo to use FREEZER bags for the finger paint activity - and it was short lived because we busted the paint out!

February 26 - I typically do my most labor intensive cooking on Sundays... which means baking and fresh meals that aren't prepped ahead and baked later... I had some extra crescent roll dough and an apple... so presto - mini apple pies that we had with some ice cream!!

February 27 - While the boys were napping, I laid down with Allie... it was short lived as we quickly were on our way to the pediatrician for two sets of: strep swabs in the throat, flu swabs up the nose, and blood work... only to find out that both boys had a "red throat" and a virus. (Can I get an amen that VIRUS is the worst word ever for a Momma to hear from the pediatrician?!)

February 28 - I made a childhood favorite of mine for dinner - Swiss Steak, Mashed Potatoes, and Fresh Green Beans. It was amazing, and such great soul food for me. I will post the recipes on Momma Hawk Cooks as soon as I can.

February 29 - We took it easy and played with our toys most of the day on Wednesday. Momma put us in the car in our jammies to go get a Starbucks and a Sonic because she knew it was going to be a LONG day... she was right, and the drinks were helpful.

March 1 - John had to stay home with the boys because Tyler was still very sick. I had a party to give for my businesses, and once I was home - John did a little yard work, and I took the boys out to play on their swing set. 

March 2 - I got very ill on Friday, so I allowed this to happen with the toys. I literally just gave up and let them do whatever they wanted to... because Momma was a puky mess. 

March 3 - This cracks me up - Allie and I were resting during nap time yesterday... and I guess I was talking too much during what she deemed "quiet time"


  1. Sorry to hear that you're sick! The pics of the boys on the swings are so cute! Hope you feel better soon.

  2. I love your new purse! So cute!


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