
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Melting Pot Launch

An amazing friend of mine through MOPS is the manager of our local Melting Pot restaurant, and each month they host an even called Ladies Night Out. They have a special menu and drink specials geared toward Ladies. Additionally, they have local vendors come in and sell their products to the guests.

I promoted the event as best as I could - without really knowing that many people in the area. They had a relatively good turn out at the event too - and I had a great time. Here is my set up all ready to go - sorry for the glare on the jewelry - the sun was setting right through the window.

Scentsy all set up

Stella & Dot all set up

I got there to set up at about 4... and they opened at 5. We were done at 11. I'm BEAT today - my legs and shoulders are reminding me that I'm not used to that sort of thing. 

The parties are still going on my websites - for a couple of more days - and I'd be honored if you'd consider making a purchase as a part of the party. I had a giveaway of a full sized warmer and two scent bars for Scentsy for the people in attendance last night, and a set of bracelets in a storage box for Stella & Dot - but I'm going to do another giveaway of 2 scents of your choice for anyone that makes a purchase online in the next 24 hours. 

To shop Scentsy - click here - and remember there is a whole new catalog with the Spring/Summer scents as well as our new bath & laundry product line called, Layers. Additionally, if you'd like to be added to my monthly newsletter list - you can also comment with your name and email address.

To shop Stella & Dot - click here - there are some great sales this month, but just remember to choose Melting Pot as your party host at close out.

I am honored by every single purchase, and can promise you that any commissions that I make right now are going toward getting the boys a membership to the Children's Museum to enjoy for a year! I would love to take them to play and expand their minds through playing at our local museum - especially this summer when it will be a bit too hot to go to the Zoo.

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