
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Photo 366 - Weeks 5 & 6

I was in the midst of a big push to get a Super Bowl Party pulled off last week, so I didn't get my photos posted... but I did get them taken last week and this week while being really sick - so YAY me!

January 29, The boys have become such climbers that they will get just about anywhere to get some height. James is balancing himself here on the arms of our two Pottery Barn Anywhere Chairs.

January 30, We'd had a rough night the night before - so I finally got him to sleep during nap time and he was just so out of it that I had to snap a photo. This was right before I went to lay down myself.

January 31, We took a field trip to Target to get a Bissell Steam & Sweep because I made the decision to clean my own house for our Super Bowl Party instead of paying someone else to do it. Of course by buying the mop - we didn't really save anything, but it's a great help for cleaning the kitchen floors - I can steam them without having to sweep first!

February 1, We went to MOPS this day, and James was just flat worn out. I think he's working on those 2 year molars and didn't rest really well the night before - then had a severe (out of character) meltdown when I dropped him off. When I went back to pick him up he lost it again. Poor buddy!

February 2, Here we are getting more height. Ugh! I swear - they are in or on EVERYTHING!!

February 3, if they aren't getting on top of things - they are flinging these chairs around the room. Occasionally they will sit in them, but most of the time they're turning them over.

February 4, John and James ran to the store for me to pick up a couple of things I forgot at the store for our party prep... and came home with these for me. Love my boys!!

February 5, Super Bowl Party day... here is the food all set out - I'm still working on getting the recipes up on Momma Hawk Cooks - I've got a few things up so far, but the full menu will be up by the end of this week.

February 6, I went to bed and woke up sick. So we just hung around and didn't do much of anything. Here are the boys enjoying a snack on the couch.

February 7, I couldn't help taking this photo - James is asleep underneath his Scout, Buzz Lightyear, a puppy, and two blankets. Hysterical.

February 8, Mom is still sick... so we're still just being bums around the house. James is getting more and more interested in cars and trucks - so here he is playing with two at the same time.

February 9, The boys had their Valentine's Day party at school... they got bags with their Valentines and made a dot painting during craft time. Their class doesn't normally do crafts - so it was fun to get something like this. Apparently, Tyler was very into participating in the craft while James couldn't care less about it.

February 10, James knows which remote controls our Blueray player - and kept bringing it to me all morning - so I finally turned on his Baby Einstein videos, and he promptly sat down in the middle of the floor and didn't move for at least 45 minutes.

February 11, We went to the grocery store as a family today - which doesn't happen often and I am reminded why. We needed a cart for the boys and a cart for the groceries. HA! This is me snuggling my boys after baths and just before bedtime. I LOVE sweet moments like this.

That catches us up with the rest of you... and I can't wait to go look at the other link up participants for today!!


  1. Looks like a busy couple of weeks for you! I was sick this last week, too...not fun! Hope you're feeling better!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love the pic of your little man in his crib under all the toys - Nora does that quite often too lol.


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