
Friday, February 10, 2012

Chronos & Kairos - Week 4

This week has mainly consisted of me being ill... so we might be a bit abbreviated on our lists... but I want to keep posting and encourage you all to join in - I would love to have some blogs link up with me.

Chronos Moments: (Real Time)
* Suffering with a sinus infection, ear infections, sore throat, and an elephant sitting on my chest for most of this week
* Wanting to literally weep when my husband went to work several mornings this week because I felt/feel so terrible and there just aren't sick days for Moms.
* Losing my cool on several occasions because I just wasn't feeling like correcting the kids from climbing on the coffee table for the 85th time during the day
* Chasing after Tyler on numerous occasions to wipe his nasty nose
* Cleaning up the toys and within 5 minutes the house looks like a tornado came through yet again
* The fighting over toys - oiy... the screaming and tantrums over wanting the same thing at the same time

Kairos Moments: (God's Time)
* While getting ready for our party - John and James ran to the store to get a couple of needed items and came back with some beautiful flowers for me! Loved them!
* The pride and happiness I felt pulling off a successful Super Bowl party for John's coworkers and our neighbors - look for posts of the food throughout next week. (I'll do a wrap up post when they're all up)
* A few stolen moments when both of the boys climbed up to sit with me to watch their Baby Einstein videos
* Standing in the kitchen just imagining Tyler walking through the room one evening (he was in bed) and getting a smile on my face
* Watching the boys running and laughing from the living room to the front door over and over again last night - they were just the image of joy and wonder.
* Having the day to rest and recover while the boys were at school on Thursday. I didn't have anything in particular to do - and was able to just lay on the couch and do nothing. A much needed day for this sick Momma.

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!