
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tyler Was There

Sometimes the bizarre (supernatural) way that our family came together takes me by surprise. I still, to this day will stop and think about it from time to time. (on the rare second that I get a moment to myself) As I was sitting there thinking about it - some of you went on the journey with us... some are joining in more recently... but through a good portion of the craziness - Tyler was there.

What do I mean by that? Let me show you.

January 2010:
- we were finishing our home study for our adoption agency - by the end of the month - Tyler was there

February 2010: (I will be doing another post on these topics)
- met our first birth mother, and fell in love - Tyler was there
- went to the hospital for the birth of that baby girl, ended up not becoming our daughter - Tyler was there
- went back to work a few days after having left for maternity leave - Tyler was there
- spent a good part of the month grieving for that lost baby - Tyler was there

March 2010:
- got a call from our second birth mother, even through apprehension... met her - Tyler was there
- met with our birth mother a few times - Tyler was there
- exchanged all of the stuff we bought for the little girl and bought stuff for our baby boy - Tyler was there
- had some SERIOUS health scares and issues with John, spending 5 days in the hospital - Tyler was there

April 2010:
- went to the hospital for the birth of our son, James - Tyler was there
- spend the first few hours of James life getting to know him - Tyler was there
- almost passed out feeding James his first bottle - Tyler was there
- saw James' birth mother in the hospital after the delivery, looked very sick - Tyler was there
- signed all the adoption papers to bring James home 2 days after his birth - Tyler was there
- middle of the night on our first night as parents...

We found out Tyler was coming!

Crazy to think about all of those emotional roller coaster moments that Tyler was present for that we didn't even know he was there for... isn't that amazing?! Can you see a little bit of why I wasn't able to tell that I was having morning/afternoon/night sickness... I thought it was just stress! Oh, the Lord is a funny funny man.


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!