
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Project 366 - Week 2 & 3

Due to the cooties that took over the house last week...  I didn't get to post my photos. So here is two weeks worth to get us caught up to date.

January 8 - Working on keeping up with the boys' memory calendars. I'm already anticipating having a great time next year comparing the day from 1 year before... I sincerely hope that next January 8 we aren't talking about stomach viruses.

January 9 - These two are going to be the death of me. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've said "sit down" when they are in a chair or on the couch. Tyler is the more stubborn of the two boys as you can see from this picture.

January 10 - My little, Tyler looking so incredibly big. Playing and turning over a chair to sit in it "his" way.

January 11 - I got an AMAZING deal on Groupon... I got an hour massage for $29, but I had $20 in credit on the site for it being my first order... so I got an hour massage for $9!! SCORE!

January 12 - Picking my men up from Mother's Day Out. James doesn't nap at school... so I usually bring him straight home and put him in bed. Tyler on the other hand is the best napper in the class... so we just hang out until James gets a little rest.

January 13 - When John got home from work, he put one of the boys Christmas presents together for them. We've got stock in Little People at this point... we've got one of just about everything!

January 14 - The first of the stomach virus surfacing here. We had been up all night with Tyler being sick every half hour... so we all were looking rough, but this just looks so sad - he wanted to badly to feel better and play with his brother.

January 15 - My little men playing, looking so happy to see their Momma for the first time in the day. I was deathly ill and had been in bed up until about 12:30.

January 16 - I was still feeling gross, so John stayed home with us and James was THRILLED. He loves waking up and having his Daddy come get him from bed. You are always greeted with a smile like this when entering his room. :-) 

January 17 - James was WIPED out after MOPS. It's a fairly good drive home from our group, and he was a mess when I got him from his class... so by the time I got him home and gave him some lunch - he was DONE! 

January 18 - James is enjoying his dinner in this photo. We've had about 4 successful dinners this week... they are doing so well eating with their fork, and even trying new things. It makes my Momma heart so full to have them eat something that I've prepared for them.

January 19 - This little stinker is playing with the fireplace... he likes to lick it, chew on the edge of the brick, climb on it, and scratch his toys across it... 

January 20 - I just love this boy... that smile, that heart, that spirit. He's growing up so much right now... picking up new words, minding, and trying new foods. It's amazing! 

January 21 - Rub a Dub Dub... Two Boys in the Tub! It was bath night, and I just thought this photo was cute since they rarely are both looking at me when I want them to be. Bath nights are a splish splashin' good time in our house. There is water everywhere!


  1. Your boys are adorable. That stomach virus is nasty. It hit our house the week before Christmas. Hope you are all better!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog!

  2. Couple things...
    1. CUTE KIDS!
    2. $9 massage? Heck yes. That's awesome.
    3. What video monitor do you use? The quality is so much better than mine!

  3. These are great pictures! We also should have stock in little people! Looks like a great week!

  4. Great pictures. Your boys are cuties! I LOVE the two boys in the tub, so precious. Oh, and I'm drooling over your $9 massage.

  5. Your boys are such cuties!!!! Glad to hear everyone in your house is starting to feel better. And yay for Groupon!!

  6. Way to go on that massage deal!


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