
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thanksgiving Recap

I know that I couldn't be more over due on putting this post up - but what can I say? Ya'll... I totally need to do a relaunch on this blog - I miss the days of having people read and being a regular poster. My goal over the holidays is to get myself in a position to have some regular posts scheduled so that I can keep new content going up as often as possible.

Anyway, I think I've said before... but the stomach virus/ear infection mess kept us in Tennessee over Thanksgiving. We didn't do much of anything - but had the regular meal... and watched LOTS of football. Even watched our beloved Aggies lose to t.u. for the last time in the foreseeable future.

The boys didn't participate much last year in any of the eating - so for all intents and purposes this year was their first taste of holiday food goodness. To say that they LOVED it would be an understatement. They ate a little bit of everything... but loved the sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, jello and pumpkin pie. Tyler enjoyed the turkey while James really loved the ham a bit more. They also ate the Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, dressing, and some of a roll. Surprisingly, James loved the cranberry sauce as well - and the next day enjoyed a grapefruit. It's so funny to me the things that he likes.

Here are some photos from the day:

James looks so cute waiting for dinner

Tyler chillaxin before dinner - drinking his juice

Our dinner

Happy diners ready to load up

Me with my lovely black eye

Tyler enjoying some pumpkin pie with Daddy

James eating mincemeat pie... YUCK!

Then on Monday after Thanksgiving - it snowed our first snow of the season

It was gorgeous!

It oddly enough snowed over night, but mostly melted before morning

Here it is the next morning - too wet and slushy to take the boys out to enjoy... 
plus I'd like John to be home for their first snow play time.

1 comment:

  1. Kim-
    They are both soooo cute!!! My kids still won't touch Thanksgiving food! Im not quite sure that's normal, ha!:-) I'm so ready for our next snow!!


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