
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Last Few Days

Seems like just when I feel like we're heading into a good patch... the bottom drops out again. Last week was a blur of stomach virus mess with James... then lead into the weekend and he picks up a cough. I also haven't been feeling well, so I knew that we had a cold coming on.

We did alright on Monday, but more of the same on Tuesday... so when we woke up, I decided that I needed to get the boys checked out. We were planning on traveling home on Friday, and I wanted to get them well before we left. I got us an appointment for that afternoon, with a new pediatrician within the same practice. I loved her! (praise the Lord!)

At the end of the visit, I learned that both boys had an ear infection and had a prescription for antibiotics for each of them. I also learned that James needs to see a neurologist and a geneticist for the excessive number of birth marks that he has. Apparently the number and the size of some of them can be linked to a disorder, and since we have limited medical history for him - it's better to be safe than sorry. (He is NOT going to agree on that one)

We got home and I gave them their first dose of their medicine with dinner - and that's when the craziness started. Immediately after dinner, Tyler threw up. Like something from the Exorcist. It's not uncommon for him to throw up - so I didn't initially think much of it. We did our normal routine - clean everything up, John gave him a bath, I gave him more of the medicine that he threw up, bottle, and then bed.

Of course, the night that they're both sick - we have crazy storms and the power goes out from 3:30 to 5 in the morning. I was a nervous wreck, and was awake the entire time. I wanted those baby monitors back on the second the power came back on! When it came back on at 5... I crept upstairs... went to James' room first... and turned on the monitor. He started moving a bit, so I hit the floor so he wouldn't see me. He stopped moving, so I quickly turned on his sound machine and headed for the exit. Next, I went into Ty's room. Same procedure, except when I turned on his monitor - he sat up! I did some sort of Kung Fu Panda move trying to be stealth so that he wouldn't see me! (I'm about as smooth and graceful as Kung Fu Panda - that's for sure) After a minute, he was back down and I turned on his sound machine... and made my swift exit. John was watching it all from the monitor and I'm sure was laughing.

We made it through all of that, and when we got up - I went with normal procedure. Made the boys a bottle, got them up, changed diapers, and fed them. Tyler proceeded to throw up twice in this process. I gave him some time, and when it came to breakfast he was fussy - so I thought he was hungry - typically that's what it is. I gave him some yogurt, but didn't give him any of the antibiotic... he threw that up.

I had already called the pediatrician, so when they called back - I explained the situation... and our thought is that either he was having a problem with the consistency of the medicine OR he now has the stomach virus too. Good times. They also said that I could bring him in for an antibiotic shot that afternoon. I opted to do that.

After the shot, we came home and he took a little nap. From the time he woke up at 4 - he would not let us put him down. The few times I did, you could tell his leg was bothering him and he would just cry or whimper. He went to bed, but couldn't get comfortable - so he ended up sleeping in our bed last night. Poor thing! So far today, he's doing better.

In the meantime, I've got a sinus infection as well - so three out of 4 of us are on antibiotics... we are a PARTY folks... We have cancelled or postponed our trip home for Thanksgiving - so it might just be a quiet holiday at our house... cooking, cleaning, and Christmas decorating.

1 comment:

  1. OMG you poor thing! Praying for everyone to get healthy soon!


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