
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tyler Turns 1

Today my sweet little Tyler turns 1 - I can't even begin to believe that it's already been a year. I have so many words - I can't even put them together into complete sentences. So I thought I'd try to keep my typing light and just show you the celebration so far... we'll be having another cake and a small gift or two for him tonight.

My sister-in-law and her neighbor do the cakes for free - we of course slip them some cash... but they have such a good time making them. Each cake with animals has something mildly inappropriate on it... Tyler's giraffe has a tiny little butt crack - and James' pig had nipples. HAHAHAHA! (You can click on the pics to blow them up larger)

This shirt was made my a friend from the interwebs - Jennifer - she has a shop on Facebook as well... just search for Braylabees.

Look at the happiest baby on the planet... he finally enjoys the pool! It took a lot of practice to get him to this point though - he used to look like you punched him in the gut every time we'd put him in the water. I guess we're over that now! 

Another happy boy shot... what makes me laugh is his arm out the window hanging on the side... like he's already set to cruise for ladies.

My large monkey boy over there crawled up on top of this box while I was talking to someone... he is quick and not scared to climb up on anything. Stinker pants! 

In the end... this is Tyler's pile of presents... whew! You know, because my boys didn't have enough toys already... but they are having a great time with these new items!

I'll post photos from tonight later... we're headed out to Target once the boys get up from their naps and have lunch. A little field trip for them and for Mom. I need a Sonic drink for today - to celebrate and remember all of the events from 1 year ago today.


  1. Happy Birthday Tyler. It looks like he had an amazing party and that cake wow! Love it! Every boys dream.

  2. Happy birthday sweet boy! So glad it was a nice day for him!


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