
Monday, October 3, 2011


Two weeks of traveling have gotten me SO far off of my game. Not that I truly had much game to begin with - but whew! My 'to do' list is a mile long and I'm either totally unmotivated to check things off or am completely overwhelmed by it.

I find myself wanting to chip away at the stuff, but unable to get a good train of thought going to complete any of the tasks.

Maybe I'm circling the sick drain again... James seems to be as well, so who knows. I do know that Tennessee is MUCH colder - MUCH earlier than anything I've ever been used to in my life. I'm not complaining thus far... but it was 45 degrees this morning, yo! We were pretty much totally unprepared for it - so when John got up for work it was 60 degrees in our house. True story.

While I get my act together - can I tell you that I had the BEST experience this weekend! The boys and I met one of the best bloggy buddies a girl can ask for... Becky! (Go check the link for photos!!) Becky and Connor met us at the play area in a mall - and we had a great time. She is every bit as wonderful as she is online... and I hope that we'll get to hang out again sometime. Becky, I mentioned moving to the Dallas area when we go back to Texas to John... and he didn't laugh - so I guess we're pretty much open to anywhere in TX!

I also am in desperate need of some great soup recipes - because of this cold weather... I want some warm soupy comfort food - so hit me with some of your favorites!

I'll be working on posts that are on my list this week - so all 2 of you still reading can look for: Sacred Marriage Bible Study Chapter 2, L is for..., Tyler's 1st birthday party, parenting differences, traveling with kids, and a few other topics coming soon to a blog near you. AKA this blog.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a chance to meet her IRL! Pictures were great!!


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