
Monday, October 10, 2011

Favorite Things Giveaway

A few weeks ago Kodi, came up with the idea to do a blog swap where we partner up with another blogger and send each other a few favorite things. How fun is that?! I jumped at the chance for some friendly happy mail to arrive for me, and to send a little smile to someone else as well.

I got paired up with KM, and had the best time shopping for her. I am just getting started reading her blog, but you should check it out. She is such a sweet person, and is currently pregnant - so I had to find her some great stuff for relaxing! I set out to do just that and couldn't be more pleased with the things I found. I hope that getting the box blessed her and made her smile.

When I got my box, I was beyond excited... and couldn't wait to open it. Of course the boys wanted their lunch... so I had to wait, but was greeted with some great things that were worth the wait.

How fun to open the box and find pretty paper... I was giddy with excitement to see what she had found for me... we had a $20 limit, and that was just perfect.

I was initially greeted with a sweet card. I loved it, it's always fun to get something handwritten these days... it's getting more and more rare - so it feels extra special.

She did perfect - a wonderful candle that is going straight in by my bathtub for those relaxing bubble bath evenings... some note cards and note paper... and ya'll - as if she knew exactly how to get right to my heart, new pens!! I LOVE pens!

I had the best time with this, and am actually thinking of hosting a swap of sorts here. I'm thinking of doing a "Fall Festival" swap... who is interested? Leave me a comment telling me if you'd like to participate. If I get enough interest - I'm going to get it started later this week.


  1. YAY! So glad you liked your goodies! Thanks you for my box, I loved everything!

    Thanks you so much for you sweet words, you rock!


  2. Y'all did great! :) Thanks for participating!!!

  3. I think I would be interested. I need to do something fun!! Let me know if you decide to do it.

  4. Totally would love to participate!

  5. So fun! I would love to do a swap!

  6. I'm up for a fall swap. Just let me know:-)


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!