
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monkeys at the Zoo

This past weekend, we took the boys to the zoo. It was a good experience for some and others did not enjoy it as much. Tyler had a blast... and was bouncing up and down in the stroller - having the time of his life. James on the other hand was not enjoying any part of riding in the stroller... so we tried to let him walk some, but it's a lot of walking for a little guy... and he does not enjoy holding hands yet. So our choices were to hold him or put him in the stroller.

Needless to say, there was a significant amount of crying and fit throwing. Before we take another trip - we will be getting a couple of baby leashes. I've already been informed of the unpopularity of the leash concept by some folks... but have heard that others have had some major success with them. I think for us - it allows James the freedom to explore with the safety of not being able to get to far from us.

Anyway, here are some photos from the day - we didn't get as many as I had hoped for because of the fussy pants, but we still got some cute ones.


  1. I love the one where James is toddling after you!! Such cuties, these boys are!

  2. Very adorable! Looks like you guys had a very.... adventurous .... time... hehehe :)

  3. Aww! It looks like you guys had a great day! So cute.

  4. Awww, love the pictures!

  5. Cute pictures!!

    I agree with you on the leashes.. I may have to get one for my little guy who insists on running around too!


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