
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday Things - Online

It wouldn't be me if I wasn't late... or giving props to some of the online resources that I love so much right now. There are some things online that I love, and they aren't places where I can go buy stuff... they just are resources for various things.

1) Lets just say that without Facebook and Twitter... (and email) with my girls on a daily basis... I don't think I'd survive this at home gig I've got going here. These ladies help me laugh - and I love them each equally for being themselves and being real. (Jenn, Kristen, Jennifer, Nicki, Amanda, Lucy Marie, and countless more that I can't link to...)

2) Have ya'll freaking seen this site?! A Year of Slow Cooking... a friend just sent me the link because I wanted to see about making my own applesauce... and this is genius!

3) I've known it for a while, but it's time for me to get back on the weight loss wagon and try to get this old body in some sort of shape again - if not just for me... but for the boys and our future children. They deserve the best momma I can be... and that means getting in better shape. Sooo - I'm joining Weight Watchers online. After the initial sign up fee - it's only $17 a month... and that's an investment in my health that I'm willing to make.

I've got a friend or two that will be working through this with me... once I finally get started. I've got to get it done tonight or tomorrow because I'm grocery shopping for the next two weeks tomorrow night - anywho... if anyone else would like to be in a little support group with us - please drop me an email and let me know. I'm going to run it through a private Facebook group - so I'll need to send you an invite.

4) I'm working on becoming a coupon queen too - nothing crazy like getting my whole grocery cart for free (if it happened though, I'd be thrilled!) but just trying to do the best I can to be a good steward of our money now that I'm at home. I'm taking over our budget and things as we speak - to free up some of John's time and so that I can keep better tabs on some of those moving targets in the budget like groceries. So far, I've gotten a subscription to our local paper... an additional set of coupons come every week in our mail on Wednesdays with the store papers, and Kroger has an online version where you can load coupons on your Kroger card once a week and use them until they expire. (This means that if you find a killer coupon for something that you buy every week - you get to use it more than once!) I don't know how many other stores around the country do programs like this - but I'm stoked about it!

What online resources do you use to help you keep your life running smoothly? Always on the lookout for new things that will make our little family better!


  1. I couldn't survive without you, either! I appreciate you so much, in case I haven't mentioned it lately. :)

    Thanks for sharing the slow cooking link! I'm excited to check it out.

    I've been trying to be a better steward of our finances, too...and a better housekeeper. I feel like I live in a pig pen sometimes, and it drives me nuts. Someone recommended to me as a good place to get started reorganizing around here. I haven't checked it out too thoroughly yet, but I did "shine" my sink. And I may start using her online family calendar.

  2. Lately Pinterest has been everything to me. I love that shit. Just slightly addicted :)

  3. Just so you know, Stephanie also has 2 cookbooks out. I have the second one and it is arranged by price, like the first section is $5 dishes, the next $10, etc. And since she lives in California our prices are cheaper (but since it was about a year ago that it came out . . . )

    The boys are growing so fast! I know right now the days are mind-numbingly long but I promise the years go by fast.


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