
Monday, August 15, 2011

Mother's Day Out

The post title is much more glamorous than the actual day was... but I wanted to write about the boys first day back at Mother's Day Out for the school year. They moved up to "Crib 2" this fall - I don't know that there is much difference, but they do have a few more toys for the mobile crowd.

Our entry into the building was much like meet the teacher night - the moment we entered the door, James started to cry. It's so sad, but I guess just proves that my boy needs a little time away from Mom. So, lets just say that the teachers knew we were coming LONG before they saw us.

I've known for a while to keep the "goodbye" short and sweet when the separation anxiety hits, so a quick kiss and hand off was the mission of the moment. I'm pretty sure that by the time I handed their bags and Tyler off - he was on to bigger and better things with the other teacher, but I didn't stick around long enough to let the water works start again.

If they had a place I could sneak in and watch them play - I would love to do that, but their room backs up to a restroom and there just isn't anywhere to peak in other than the door. While the boys played and got worn out... I had 5 hours to myself.

Initially, I made plans with our neighbor across the street to go get a pedicure and grab some lunch... but by the time the day actually came - neither of us could muster up the energy to go. Her boys started school a couple days before MDO started again... and the adjustment wasn't going so hot.

She ended up taking a nap, and I literally did nothing. No nap. (Dummy) No television. (Kinda nice) No book. (Dummy) No crying. (Kinda Nice)

I pretty much just did some research on the net, got signed up for Weight Watchers online... wrote a blog post... and that's about it. Crazy how fast the time goes - even when you do nothing. I really should have taken the opportunity to take a nap. If I don't go out with the neighbor this week - I'm totally doing it. John is working both days next weekend - so I'll need every second of extra rest and patience.

When I picked up the boys - I learned that they are both really good eaters. Tyler is a cuddly guy and James didn't nap AT.ALL. He was happily playing when I arrived though - but the second he saw me - he was done. I loaded up my motley crew and hiked to the car. Once we were all in - I headed home. By the time we got to the house, James was in a daze. Poor guy.

So I took both of them upstairs - knowing that James was in desperate need of a nap - and Tyler was down 1 nap from his normal routine... and they slept until about 5. The next morning - they slept until 9AM and were back down for naps by 10:30... at which time they slept until 1. Tyler took another nap at 3... but I kept James up for fear of how bedtime would go.

This week we've got three days in a row where we have somewhere to be by 9AM... so it could get interesting. We've got MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) on Wednesday from 9-12; MDO on Thurs from 9-2:30; and on Friday they've got well-child exams at 9AM. It'll be crazy, but hopefully they'll adjust well and have a good time meeting new friends.


  1. I'm sure that at least one or both of your boys will be with my youngest (13 mo) at MOPS! Can't wait for them to meet and play :)

  2. MOPS! What fun - I am jealous. It doesn't start here until September; I think I just might try to go. :)

    Sounds like a fun (albeit) busy week ahead. Hope you are able to rest up and pamper yourself some! You deserve it!!


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