
Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Favorites - 1

Here we are with our first in a series of introductions that I hope will bring about some new friendships and readers for all you lovelies out there.

We're starting and going in the order that these come in to me - the first one happens to be my friend Jenn. We met about 3 years ago... (HOLY COW!) and have become soul sistas. She has been there with me through thick and thin, and I am so grateful for her friendship. Things are different for us now - we used to talk all day everyday while getting through our jobs... but now my job keeps me away from the computer - chasing little tiny men around the house all day. Moving closer to her was one of the best perks of this whole moving to Memphis thing... so hopefully one day soon - you'll see pictures of us meeting in person!

With all that said... here we go:

1) Tell us a little bit about yourself:

On any given day in our house, there are 12 feet meandering about. No, we’re not The Partridge Family. It’s just my husband and I, Bella the Dog and Gizmo the Cat. We live an ordinary life in the burbs of St. Louis, working our 40 hours to make ends meet. Nothing fancy, but there’s usually an abundance of love, laughter and good food.

2) Tell us your mission/goal for your blog:

First and foremost, to point people to Jesus Christ and to share my love of Him with all who read. My secondary “goal” is to share photography and editing tips/resources. It’s my other great passion these days, so on any given day of blogging, there’s a good chance I’m writing about one or the other. 

3) Tell us about your favorite post or your best inspiration:

I can’t pin-point one post as my favorite; I lean heavily toward any that are faith-related. As for inspiration, I’m sure you can probably guess that my relationship with God certainly brings out some of my best writing! 

4) Tell us one thing you can’t live without: (this could be animal, vegetable, or mineral – it’s up to you)

Gosh, just one thing? I’ll take the less traveled road here and say my husband’s cooking. Which is a-ma-zing!!

5) Your favorite book, and why:

Again, going with the less obvious answer here. Happiness is a Warm Puppy by Charles Schulz. It was from a series of novelty books written by the author of the Peanuts comic strip. I had the book as a child, but it got lost somewhere amid all the moves I made. I was reunited with a mint condition copy that I found at a used book store in Wooster, Ohio many years ago. I dug around on shelves, high and low, eventually finding this one, along with some others in the series, on the bottom shelf. 

6) Your favorite movie, and why:

Okay, I can’t narrow this to just one. I have two front-runners – Dirty Dancing and Steel Magnolias. Dirty Dancing for obvious reasons – Patrick Swayze goes without a shirt in much of the movie! I love Steel Magnolias because it can make me laugh and cry every single time. It’s about the kind of friendships I hope I have when I’m 60-something. And goodness knows that Shirley Maclaine’s zingers in the movie are priceless:
M'Lynn: Oh Ouiser, Drum would NEVER point a gun at a lady!
Ouiser Boudreaux: Oh! He's a real gentleman! I bet he takes the dishes out of the sink before he PEES in it!

7) Tell us something unique/funny/interesting about you:

When I was a child, I had a real affinity for carpeting (still love the “new carpet smell” to this day). One of the homes I lived in had gold shag carpeting. I used to play in my walk in closet by myself; it was my “salon”. I would treat the carpet as if it was hair – washing it (shampooing too, of course), putting gel in it and even cutting it. There was a section of carpet that was completely destroyed by the time we moved out of that house! The things kids do…if I ever had kids, we’re going to live in a home with wood floors, in case they get passed down momma’s love of carpet! I’m pretty sure that covers all 3 – funny, interesting and definitely unique! 

8) Tell us how we can find you to read for ourselves:

Do you want in on this action? I'd love to feature you in this series... just email me (kbhawkins00 AT gmail DOT com) and I'll send you the survey to fill out. 

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