
Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Favorite - 2

Today's favorite is my friend Becky... we get to meet each other in October and I couldn't be more excited. Becky and I met when we were both going through our fertility struggles, and have maintained our friendship now that we have 3 little boys between the two of us. She is an incredible lady, and has been writing some really great stuff on her blog this week - go back and read her post about kitchens... she used them as a way to talk aobut something that plagues most of us... and did an outstanding job.

1)      Tell us a little bit about yourself:

           I am a 30 year old wife, new mom, & coffee junkie. I'm from Arkansas, but currently reside in Fort 
         Worth, Texas. I have an identical twin named Bonnie who is my best friend. I work full time and live for 
         the weekends...sometimes it's hard to manage it all, but with God I can do anything! I have a passion for 
         photography and love to take pictures

2)      Tell us your mission/goal for your blog:

     To keep in touch with my family back home and make new friends

3)      Tell us about your favorite post or your best inspiration:

I don’t really have a favorite post. It’s hard to choose because I’ve been blogging since 2006.  I am just happy to have my blog to look back on.

4)      Tell us one thing you can’t live without: (this could be animal, vegetable, or mineral – it’s up to you)

           Starbucks & chocolate – must I chose?

5)      Your favorite book, and why:

           Twilight series – I am an official “Twitard”

      6) Your favorite movie, and why:
           P.S. I Love You & The Family Man: I think both of these movies just make you think about life
           and  re-evaluate your own and where your priorities are.  They are great heart felt movies J

7)      Tell us something unique/funny/interesting about you:

I can squeak. It’s a family talent.  My Dad can squeak entire songs with his mouth.

8)      Tell us how we can find you to read for ourselves: (your blog address)

Do you want in on this action? I'd love to feature you in this series... just email me (kbhawkins00 AT gmail DOT com) and I'll send you the survey to fill out. 

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