
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

King Doughnut Giveaway

The wonderful folks from one of my favorite online retailers is teaming up with me for another product review and giveaway! We all love doughnuts, right? If you're like me though, the thought of having to get dressed to to out and buy them can seem daunting on a weekend morning. For me, that's part of the charm of baked doughnuts... I can make them for the family while still in my jammies!

The King Arthur Flour folks sent me a doughnut pan and a buttermilk doughnut mix. This is what you could win for yourself!

The back of the doughnut pan has a recipe for spiced cake doughnuts... YUM! I clipped it out and saved it with all my recipe cards.

You get to batches of mix in the box - so you can try out a couple of different things... and they have other mixes as well! They've got Apple Cinnamon, Buttermilk, and Chocolate.

I poured the mix into a large mixing bowl, and it called for mixing in two eggs slightly beaten. Then you can choose the other ingredients - either milk or water (I chose milk) and oil or melted butter (I chose melted butter). I felt like I needed to go full on with this round to see what the best ingredient options (for full flavor) would make for us. 

You just pour all those ingredients into a bowl together and mix until smooth. It couldn't be more easy! The hardest part for me was getting each of the photos taken.

Here is the batter ready to put into the pan. Just a little note, there is a hint of cinnamon flavor in this batter. I know one of my dear friends is not a fan of cinnamon - so I just wanted to give the heads up. I'll mention this again later - because it brings up a point I want to make when we get to glazing them.

Spray your pan with a little cooking spray (I used butter flavored) and fill the molds about 2/3 full. Then bake! 

Here are my babies in their little warm comforting oven... ready to do their magic and be ready to eat in about 10 minutes!

I didn't really prepare enough ahead of time and wasn't sure if I'd have all the needed ingredients to make my own glaze, but I had this Duncan Hines glaze from something else I was going to make before we moved. So I used that. I'd HIGHLY recommend you go to King Arthur's site and look at these glaze recipes. I can honestly say, that I wouldn't go chocolate glaze again with this mix. It wasn't right for me with the cinnamon flavoring... I think vanilla or the cider recipe would be better.

On thing that is different from most baked goods is that the doughnuts are finished baking but the tops never brown. It's a good thing that you glaze them, but it is sort of against the nature for someone that bakes fairly regularly. 

Here is my glaze all ready to go, and the doughnuts sitting on a baking sheet ready to take their dip in chocolatey goodness. I pulled them out of the pan after a minute or two for a little more cooling - because my "natives" were getting restless, and I needed them to be room temp to serve them to James & Tyler.

Doughnut in the pool! It quickly got a shower of pecans after the dip in the glaze. You can have so much fun with the glazes and toppings. I mean you could do an orange juice glaze... maple glaze... and the topping options are limitless!

Here they are ready to eat! Yum-o! I couldn't have been more happy with how these turned out. They were fluffy, tasty, and made everyone in my family happy. The mix and instructions couldn't have been easier... and the pan was wonderful! I know without a doubt that you would LOVE having this as an addition to your kitchen.

James getting to eat his first taste of a doughnut... he's never had anything like that before - so it was a very successful first breakfast pastry!

Chocolate face proves how much he enjoyed it!

Tyler's first bite of a doughnut... no chocolate for him though.

MMMMMmmmmm... tasty!

Alright, so lets get down to the contest rules - shall we?

Contest ends at midnight on August 2nd. 

PLEASE, leave ONE comment PER entry - it is easier for me to figure out the winner!
There is a total of 10 entries per person... so you'd need to put in 10 comments to get them all.

** 1 entry for following this blog
** 1 entry for following Kim's Cuisine
** 1 entry for blogging about this giveaway or tweeting about it (must leave a link to post)
** 1 entry for telling me about your favorite doughnut... place and flavor
** 1 entry for telling me what you'd love to have from King Arthur Flour
(I'd kill to try out their scone pans, scone mixes, and popover pans & mixes)
** 1 entry for joining the King Arthur Flour newsletter - bottom right corner of their home page
** 1 entry for following King Arthur Flour on Twitter
** 1 entry for following KBHawkins00 (me) on Twitter
** 1 entry for liking King Arthur Flour on Facebook



  1. 1 entry for following this blog...

    ***Been following for awhile now :)


  2. ** 1 entry for telling me about your favorite doughnut... place and flavor...

    ***Hands down it would be the plain glazed donut at Round Rock Donuts, in Round Rock , TX...


  3. ** 1 entry for telling me what you'd love to have from King Arthur Flour

    ***I have been using their flours for awhile when I make homemade Breads...but I would love to have any of the pans really!

    Jil :)

  4. ** 1 entry for joining the King Arthur Flour newsletter - bottom right corner of their home page...

    Okay I just did this one...


  5. ** 1 entry for liking King Arthur Flour on Facebook...

    *** did it!


  6. ** 1 entry for liking Stella & Dot by Kim Hawkins on Facebook...

    ***did it!


  7. 1 entry for following Kim's Cuisine: check!

  8. 1 entry for blogging about this giveaway or tweeting about it (must leave a link to post): check! (tweeted it)

  9. 1 entry for telling me about your favorite doughnut... place and flavor:

    Raspberry-filled Krispy Kremes from Kroger. They are my absolute favorite - and I miss them so much!

    (BTW - if I win, someone else can have the mix b/c I can't use it. But OH! I want the pan. :) )

  10. 1 entry for telling me what you'd love to have from King Arthur Flour:

    The pizza peel. We've made Friday pizza night, and I have a pizza stone - I need a peel!

  11. 1 entry for following KBHawkins00 (me) on Twitter: check! (I actually did this yesterday!)

  12. 1 entry for liking Stella & Dot by Kim Hawkins on Facebook: check!

  13. Kim,
    I just love how you did a step by step of this post and the pics of your cuties tasting the goodness sold me for sure LOL...I love allt he topping you used! WHat a cute giveaway

    Oh and of course I am a follower


  14. Of course I follow your blog! Now, down to business. I have to have the donut pan! If I don't win, I have to buy it!!

  15. I love the King Aurthor "bake and give items. How cool. Especially the tuplip miffin papers in brown!

  16. My favorite donut place is where ever my coworker stops and I love eating the chocolate sprinkel donuts, YUM!

  17. I am now following this blog

    something frugal at yahoo dot com

  18. I am now following kim's cuisine

    something frugal at yahoo dot com

  19. I am following king's flour on twitter (donna_cairns)

    something frugal at yahoo dot com

  20. I'd love to try the chocolate chunk scone mix from King Arthur

    something frugal at yahoo dot com

  21. I am now following Kim H on twitter (donna_cairns)

    something frugal at yahoo dot com

  22. I liked King Arthur Flour on facebook (donna alena)

    something frugal at yahoo dot com

  23. I liked Stella and Dot by Kim on fb (donna alena)

    something frugal at yahoo dot com

  24. My favorite doughnuts are those with pink glaze and sprinkles! I don't really have a preference where they come from but there must be sprinkles!

    something frugal at yahoo dot com

  25. I tweeted about this giveaway!/donna_cairns/status/96352277517975552

    something frugal at yahoo dot com

  26. My favorite donut is a glazed or chocolate iced from Shipley's! Simply the best.

  27. I follow you on twitter... duh :)

  28. I "like" stella and dot on FB! (and desperately need to remember to message you back)

  29. Are you kidding? What DON'T I want from that site? You are in trouble for introducing me. ;) popover gift set, muffin top pan... MINI CHEESCAKE PAN... are YOU SERIOUS?!

  30. I tweeted, but can't figure out how to post a link to it! It was at 9:58, though :)

  31. Followed King Arthur on twitter. Have a feeling THAT is dangerous.

  32. liked them on FB (also dangerous)


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!