
Thursday, July 21, 2011


A dear friend of mine used to change her profile picture on Facebook to a picture of a mad gremlin when she was having a rough day with her daughter. I never truly understood her pain until now... only I'm not sure if it's the boys being gremlins or if Mommy is just having a day with a lack of patience.

We've been trying to figure out where James is in terms of his nap needs at his age. I was thinking we were ready to switch to 1 nap a day... but he was a bit fussier than normal... so yesterday I backed off and let him have two naps. Which lead to an epic bedtime fit - to rival anything I've seen in a long time. This was screaming like he was teething - only he wasn't in any pain - because if we picked him up, he stopped. The fit ended up waking up Tyler, and then they both started in on the scream-fest. We finally had to let them work it out themselves, but there is nothing harder than waiting for them to settle down.

I'm not sure where we stand on the nap issue - I was convinced today that I was going to do things differently, and yet here we are. Tyler is having his second nap of the day... and James pitched a fit where the only thing that settled him down was to walk toward his bedroom. Of course, once I set him down in the crib - he had another fit. He's quiet now, and may be actually on his way to sleeping. We'll see where this goes tonight. I may try letting him stay up a little later if he doesn't seem tired.

Although, last night - he was exhausted and fussy at regular bedtime... he just proceeded to make our ears bleed when we put him in bed.

I'm just keeping it real, friends... it is so hard to figure out what these little men want/need sometimes because they can't tell me anything. I sometimes feel like I know what they are crying about, but other times I feel like a total Mommy Fail because I don't have a clue.

I love these little munchkins more than life itself... but they can push me to the limits of my sanity sometimes. I love being home with them - and there is SO much I can't wait to do with them... they are just too young at the moment. I can't even begin to explain the thrill of seeing James stand up on his own for the first time the other day... truly a blessing.

Maybe I'm on edge because we haven't left the house since Monday - which one way or another tomorrow - we're doing something. If we go to the zoo or just go walk around the mall - this Momma is getting out of the house. It's just hard to figure out what to do with them because someone is almost always cranky and ready for a nap.

I probably push a little too hard to try to keep them in a similar schedule because I need the break. Who knows, it's just a hard balance to figure out how to do things that keep Mommy from going nuts and making sure they get what they need. Sometimes I think even if we just get in the car and drive around for a little while - that would help. Which I considered doing this afternoon, but cue the epic fits that were thrown by the boys - and naptime wins out.

To be sure, I probably put entirely too much pressure on myself to get things done, take care of them, and try to get out of the house. Maybe once we meet some other folks around here and hopefully can find some sort of play group to join... things won't seem to be so all or nothing anymore.


  1. First of all, you are not experiencing anything that any other mother hasn't been through. We all get irritated at our children at some point and we all have days that we don't know what they need. Try having a toddler who can talk, but sometimes still speaks gibberish so she gets mad when you don't know what she is saying. And that will happen for you sooner than later.

    On the nap/sleep thing, it sounds like James might have figured out that if he cries you come get him. All toddlers do this at varying degrees. He's a smart boy, mom. He knows that if he throws a fit, you will come check on him. I don't see anything wrong with putting him down and letting him cry for a bit. If he is still crying after awhile, or his cry sounds like something is wrong, then go check on him.

    As for leaving the house, little guys get cabin fever just like us. Sophie will actually go to the door to the garage and say "Go". You don't have to take them to the zoo if you don't want to get out in the heat. Take them to Target or the mall or anywhere. It might make you all happier.

  2. Oh how I love blogs. I remember feeling tis exact same way but couldn't remember the age. I went back and looked at my blog. When teh twins were 15 months old I blogged about not being able to go to the grocery store or out to eat with kids ever again. Trust me what you are experiencing is just one of the many infant, to toddler to preschooler phases. This too shall pass but this change is a doozy. No need to sugar coat it, it sucks! I remember putting Lily in bed in the guest bedroom in the pack and play because she dropped her nap waaaaaaaay earlier than Preston. Do you have your boys in the same room for naps? Sorry I typed a novel

  3. Just wanted to say, I'm right there with you. And it is hard.

  4. Hi Kim, First, Congrats on your move. Job well done! Second, I'm so enjoying your Blog as I read and kind of re-live my now grown kids being that age. You are so right, there is no book of instructions and I remember so many days of "if it worked for THAT day, try again the following day", only to invent something new that day and on and Of course I mine were only 2 years and 3 months apart but my best "mom" advice would be whatever gets you through the day...Your Blog gives me a chuckle so often I feel like I'm reading an Erma Bombeck book. Take care and carry on ....
    Luv, Mom Susan from Maryland


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