
Friday, July 8, 2011

Arriving in Memphis

Don't forget to enter the Fruit Infusion Giveaway before Monday!!

Before we left for the big move, we spent a few days at my Dad's while we waited for our furniture to be delivered. James had a blast - all the neighbor kids played with him, he got to swim, and explore all sorts of new stuff.

James dearly loves playing with his boat. He's so cute - he'll sit in it, drink his milk in it, climb in, climb out... it's loads of fun!

I helped my little sister Gabby make popcorn cupcakes with her friend Remy. I think the cupcakes turned out cute, but I'd amp up the yellow part of the kernel if I ever did it again.

Tyler had a good time too - lots of little girls that gave him tons of attention... and of course toys... what's not to love?

 After a few days at "camp" - we hopped on a plane and headed to Memphis. Here are some pictures John got of our arrival.

My two older sisters, and stepmom came to help with the babies on the plane and the unpacking. Those three ladies practically unpacked the entire house in two days AND painted my bedroom. Lifesavers, I tell ya. We couldn't have made it without them. 

We were instructed by the movers to pack all the paper into the wardrobe boxes, and once we were completely done with the boxes - they'll come out one time to pick it all up. I think we're getting close to calling them... but I had to take this picture - she's holding on to the top of a door frame... hilarious! 

Tyler hanging out at the new pad... little stinker now army crawls all over the place. He doesn't seem to want to use his knees yet, but he's definitely mobile.

For a little treat, we went out on Saturday in between our two coats of paint in the bedroom and checked out Neeley's BBQ. If you watch the Food Network, you'll know who they are. The food was good, the restaurant was hot... but it was the original location - so there's hope that the other two locations aren't as temperature challenged. James enjoyed some serious mac & cheese... it was fabulous!

To round out our first weekend in Memphis - we toured the downtown area and drive by Graceland... I think everyone is excited to come back and visit to hit the sites.

More to come soon!


  1. Stopping by from Jenna's Journey! Best wishes on your move.

  2. Dropping by from Jenna's. Good luck on getting settled in your new home. Cute blog!


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