
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's Never Easy To Say Goodbye

Yesterday, we said goodbye to John's Aunt in a beautiful service. There were people there that had known Aunt Aster sice the 3rd grade... namely, my father-in-law. He stood up to speak at the wake service the night before, and talked so lovingly about the woman he had known for 62 years or more. Which got me to thinking how many of us in our generation will have anything similar to that when our time comes?

I know - I won't. I don't know anyone from my elementary school days... not many from my junior high school days... and just a few gems from high school and college. Most of my quality friends have come into my life via adulthood.

Which I think is just a little bit sad. Now, those friends are no less cherished - but it would have been nice to have been settled enough at a young age to have grown up with the same group of people and built those bonds.

I think that it's possibly hitting me in a different way this time around because the funeral came less than 48 hours from the time that the boys and I will leave the only place I've ever called home to head off on our new adventure in Tennessee.

I want a childhood for my boys that allows them to have lifelong friendships. I want them to have people that have known them from a young age and grow up to be the people that will help them become the Godly men, husbands, fathers, and sons that I know they will be.

John and I have talked about it several times that we want to bring the boys back home by the time they start school... and Lord knows we don't want to move much more than we have to... this has been a NIGHTMARE! So our focus when we move home will be to find a house, neighborhood, and schools that we can stay in for the rest of our time here on this earth.

John had that in his life growing up - his parents have lived in the same house since before he started school... it's so cool to hear the stories, and be standing in the very place that they happened... I pray that we can give that to our boys... and that when they are in their late 30's - having children of their own - that we can stand around our kitchen or living room and laugh about all the antics that happened in that very room... to pass down the legacy to our grandchildren.

I often find myself in a position to be wishing that things were simpler... to go back to a time that has long past. A time when children didn't have to grow up so fast, and that community was alive and well... where the village helped raise the children. I think our generation can bridge that gap between technology and bringing a stronger focus on family and community.

What do you think?


  1. I agree Kim. I envy my parents because of the time they got to grow up in - sock hops, soda fountains and basic decency. I don't have close childhood friendships either because I moved a lot too, but I really don't mind. Part of that is because, like you said, my quality friends have come along in adulthood. Because those friendships are so rich and so good, it doesn't leave me wishing for anything different. However, I really admire you and John for thinking ahead when it comes to where and how your sons will be raised and that you want to give them a the kind of life they can look back on from an early age with total fondness.

  2. I often think the same thing and feel bad for Smith because I know thats just not in the cards for us. Simply because of the school systems down here. He'll be okay in Kent's school, but after 5th grade, we have to move just to get into a better scenario for him.


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