
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Almost

So, I turned 33 on Monday... it wasn't glamorous - Tyler was vomiting all weekend and stuffy... so my adult contact for the day mainly consisted of a trip to the pediatrician. It's been a bear of a week with these two little men - James is teething again, and Tyler of course is sick... and we're talking sick to the point where you can see it on his face that he just feels terrible. It's a lot to deal with both of them being miserable at the same time, but I'm trying my best to hang in there. If only we could get some sleep... but that's when Tyler has most of his problems - because he gets super stuffy when he lays flat. So he's been sleeping in the bed with me... which means that there is very little sleep for me, and lots of waking up to calm my tiny man down.

So I thought I'd give you some photos to enjoy of these two little crazy people that I live with. HA!


  1. Kim, if Tyler is having a hard time laying down to sleep why not just let him sort of sit up. I don't know how many nights I slept with my daughter on my chest because it helped her sleep with an ear ache (the warmth and angle and motion of breathing all help).

    You might want to sleep in the recliner leaning back all the way. You won't sleep wonderfully but you will get some sleep and if Tyler gets some sleep then he will be well sooner. I have slept in recliners before for my chest congestion with the crud, and while it isn't the best nights sleep, it is sleep.

    However Tyler can best sleep (and is safe) let him sleep that way until he gets better. A few nights of sleeping in a car seat or baby swing won't mess him up.

    The boys are growing up so fast! And so cute!

  2. Happy belated birthday!

    Sorry for the rough couple of days. It's tough when they're sick. And we've been living with the teething monster, too, so I feel you on that. I hope everyone gets to feeling better quickly.

    Love the pictures, btw. Your boys are just precious!


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