
Friday, April 8, 2011

Giggle & Sniff

Exactly 1 year ago tomorrow (April 9th) - my first baby boy was born! It's so hard to believe that it's already been a year... I remember sitting there that Friday morning waiting with baited breath to hear that he was safely out of his birth mother's tummy and waiting to meet me. Of course, in those exact moments - Tyler was with us as well... and would almost make me faint while giving James his first bottle.

It's crazy right? I mean 1 year ago - I woke up with no children... and went to bed with 1 in the hospital... and one that I didn't know about yet in my tummy.

We're having James a big Farm themed birthday party on Saturday - and I will be back with photos of that... and this morning we're off to get his 1st birthday pictures done and Tyler's 6 month pictures done. Crazy... time is moving so fast!

In honor of James' birthday... I thought I'd give you a little photo history of my little dude's first year.

 The first moment we saw him... about 30 minutes or so after being born.

Going home - 2 days old.

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

 9 months

10 months

11 months - Oh, that face... gets me every time!

12 months... sampling a pancake

This little man is such a sweetie - we've been through the single best year of our lives, and it's only getting better and better. 

At this stage:
  • He is crawling
  • Standing with help
  • Claps when you say "YAY"
  • Smiles more than ever
  • Says "DaDa", "MaMa" (though only when upset), "BaBa", and "Bubba"
  • Knows his name... and will turn around to look when you say it
  • Enjoys jumping in his jumper, his walker, and on his parents
  • Seems to have some musical rhythm... he'll sort of wiggle to the beat of music... which is cute!
  • Is a squealer... we've called him a baby pterodactyl
  • Has winked at us... though it was a 1 weekend trick
  • Loves playing with electronic cords (oiy)
  • Loves cars
  • Loves Baby Einstein
  • Does not like for his videos to be on a shelf... he'll immediately knock them down
  • Is sampling adult foods - so far pancakes are by far his favorite choice! 
  • Will snuggle on occasion
  • Has 8 baby teeth - 4 top and 4 bottom
  • Sleeps from 7PM - until about 7:30 AM if we don't have to wake him up
  • Melts his parents' heart when he gives us one of those big smiles... which now typically happens with his eyes closed. :-)
James, we love you so much and look forward to celebrating each and every milestone and birthday with you for as long as we're able.


  1. Hi Kim,
    Okay his 6 month old picture gets my vote as I luv, luv, luv his outfit. He is quite a handsome little guy and I hope you have a great party!
    Take care, Mom Susan from Maryland - Land of the Chesapeake Bay Blue crabs

  2. Okay. Now I'm not an overly-weepy type, but I'll be gosh darned if this didn't get some tears outta me...dang it! {Sniff} indeed...

    Ya'll better wear some rain coats when I come to visit. I might just fall apart at the seams!

    I love you, Onion...and your baby Onions, too!

  3. I got a little teary reading this, too! (Doesn't help that I've been listening to the Grey's Anatomy version of The Story all morning...can Sara Ramirez sing or what?)

    Happy Birthday, James - you are such a little cutie!! :)

    Can't wait to see the party pics!

  4. OMG so crazy he is a year old already!! Happy birthday sweet boy!

  5. Im crying happy tears, I remember all the waiting for a child and all the heartache you endured and I also remember the moment you posted about James being born and all the months to follow and then the suprise of Tyler in your tummy, wow GOD really worked miracles in your life and at his timing and it is so precious and I am so tickled you have your boys and James is 1? What? Where did the time go! Happy BDay sweet boy and i know he has the cutest invites eva...since Klaw did them :)


  6. Happy Birthday to your little guy!! He's such a cutie!


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