
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Help the B's

*** Well, lovely... this was supposed to post A LONG time ago, but didn't... Please help this lovely family!

So, you guys have all witnessed my calls for prayers and love for my dear friend Summer and her husband Adam. They have been through the wringer! After all that they've been through:

  • 2 lost angels & the loss of a fallopian tube
  • 5 failed IVF's
  • the loss of Sum's beautiful Daddy, Butch
  • sick kitties
  • and many other struggles along the way
Summer and Adam want to adopt. They know that they are destined to be parents and want to share their love and warmth with a baby. This couple is amazing - they've weathered everything with grace and a fighting attitude, and I can't wait to celebrate their baby in whatever way he or she comes.

Maybe they'll be like John and I and be doubly blessed - I can only say that it's tough, but SO worth it.

Summer, I love you girlie and I know with all my heart that you will be a wonderful mother WHEN it happens... because it's only a matter of time.

So, how can you help? Well... the adoption costs are adding up - spreading the word and placing the ads they need to attract potential birth mothers isn't a cheap process - emotionally or financially. With the help of Kristen - Summer took one of her beloved Daddy's favorite sayings and turned it in to a print.

100% of the proceeds from the purchase of this print will go toward Summer & Adams adoption costs, and I'd really appreciate it if you'd wander over and get yourself a copy. You can buy it by clicking here.  I promise you these are two very deserving adorable people that you are helping, and two of the most grateful and gracious folks around.


  1. you are amazing.

    did i ever tell you that i think that james looks like you and tyler looks like John?


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!