
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Who's With Me?

** A momentary change from the regular programming... we'll be back to baby pictures and crazy life stories soon **

The journey of a lifetime begins with a single step, right? So we've heard... It is scary, intimidating, but also very true. Most of us have also heard - MANY times - that "you have nothing to fear, but fear itself." Oh how those words haunt me.

All these things are very true, and yet sometimes fear can paralyze you... because sometimes you just can't see the pieces of the whole. You see the big huge monster in the corner - the BIG unattainable goal... but you don't see the small ways to chip away at it each day to get yourself there. You think of it more as one giant leap instead of a journey of 100 small steps.

I'm guilty of that too. I also can get discouraged from time to time - for various reasons... I think we're all guilty of that. I heard on the radio yesterday that the world would be so different if we'd all stop putting on our brave faces and just be REAL. If everything isn't okay... don't try to fake it...

Which flies in the face of the old adage - "fake it until you make it" - oh, how I hate that phrase!

You know what, we all have the courage to make our dreams come true... everyone of us. It might not be easy - it might not be comfortable... but why not give it a try?

I've always wanted to work from home and own my own business. I've tried a couple of different things over the last 6 or so years - from designing my own jewelry and selling it in various capacities online... to now working as an Independent Stylist for Stella & Dot.

Stella & Dot is getting a lot of buzz and publicity right now as being the brightest up and coming business of it's kind because of it's new fresh approach. They walk with us step by step to promote and become successful within their industry... and it's very exciting to see the publicity that they get.... the stars in Hollywood wearing the very things that I'm selling... the products worn in television programs... it's just very cool!

I mean think about it!

For a modest investment - which I've already made back in 3 trunk shows... you too can start your own business and walk along side me as we learn how to keep growing and building the business we've all dreamed of having. (Click here to read about all the details)

So I leave you with the words of Jerry Maguire: "But if anybody else wants to come with me, this moment will be the ground floor of something real and fun and inspiring and true in this godforsaken business and we will do it together! Who's coming with me besides... "Flipper" here?"

I would truly love to be your coach, to walk with you through this, to help inspire you, encourage you, and cheer you on as you achieve goals that you never thought possible!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for going after your goals, and not letting fear hold you back!! :)


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!