
Monday, January 17, 2011

Nut Balls

I've been thinking a lot lately about how quirky my kids are... not that all kids don't have their strange quirks - but mine make me laugh.

Take James for instance... someone along the way gave me the advice of putting several pacifiers in his crib so that he can always find one and soothe himself when needed during the night. I have made several mad dash attempts to run up the stairs to put the paci back in before he wakes up - so when we stopped swaddling him at night... I thought GREAT idea!

Little did we know, a strange - yet cute - habit would form from that. Now, whenever we lay him down in the crib - he will spit out the pacifier that he has in his mouth and grab a "fresh" one. Cracks me up - I mean seriously... it's as if he's saying "that one is warm... I need a cold one!"

Tyler is equally quirky - we're just in the early phases of it... I think that we have a ladies man and a serious charmer on our hands with this one. He will literally sit and flirt with the ceiling fan! I'm not even joking... he starts grinning and talking to it! He also does this in the swing - which has a mirrored bulb sitting above him... so that's understandable, but the ceiling fan?!

Too funny! Any of you have kids with weird quirks? Pets? I need entertainment... so fill me in.


  1. Genius idea on the multiple paci's in the crib! We have to get up a few times a night to pop one back in too!

  2. My kids both love(d) the ceiling fan too, especially my daughter. I started calling it "her friend, the fan". It's funny the things that entertain babies. :) That's cute that James likes to have a fresh binky.

  3. No kids, obvs...but the pets definitely had weird quirks.

    Bella's still border on cute for the most part, but one of her quirks is that when I let her out to potty, I have to tell her "You're not done" before she'll go back out into the grass and finish her business. Like, seriously? Are those 3 words like the newspaper of the dog world? (Point of reference being that human potty time seems to go a lot quicker with some good reading material in hand...or am I the only one? haha)

    As for Giz the Whiz, his quirk is quite possibly my absolute favorite thing next to Bella kisses..and it's when he kneads my tummy. Still relaxes the daylights out of me! And he's finally back to himself for the most part since welcoming Bella to the family. He comes around just about every night for a little "tummy time".


  4. Sylvie used to talk to the people in the bar-b-que pit. I have no idea why she believed people lived in there, but when she was about 18 months old she would knock on the lid of the bbq pit and yell out, "Hello in there! Open up, it's me, Sylvie!" Keep the stories of your little ones coming, I love baby stories!


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