
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekend at Home

We have been blessed this weekend - Tyler is such an easy baby! He pretty much sleeps unless he's wet or wants a bottle... and even then, he has the softest... most docile cry you've ever heard. I don't know if this will stay the same as he gets older, but it could be a sign of his personality. What a gift to have a miracle baby that is so easy going!

I thought that I'd share some photos from our coming home, and this weekend... I can't say that I've been super camera happy this weekend, but I've gotten some good ones. We also had Tyler's newborn photo session today, James' 6 month photo session, and a few family shots as well...

My heart melted when we put both of the boys in a big basket together with their matching outfits... and James picked up and held Tyler's hand... I literally cried... it was just so sweet. I can't wait to see the images when our photographer gets them ready for us.

Without further delay... here are some photos for your enjoyment.

 Tyler just after they removed the feeding tube

Me getting to touch Tyler for the first time - the day after he was born.

Tiny Tyler - the NICU nurses have beanie babies that they put around the babies to help them feel secure and cozy.

Tyler was a bit jaundiced - so he had to get photo therapy... a light was put above him and one under his tummy too. He wore a mask to protect his eyes.

My tiny man getting some rays...

Before Tyler could come home he had to do what was called a car seat challenge - they put him in the seat for an hour while hooked up to his monitors in order to make sure that he didn't have any cardiac or respiratory issues once he was sitting up. He passed with flying colors!

Mommy looks rough in this photo, but here she is with both boys ready to head home!

Tyler all dressed and ready to get outta there after 11 days in the NICU.

The boys in their matching car seats... ready to be loaded into the stroller.

The boys loaded in the stroller... James was entertained by being able to kick Tyler's seat... and so it begins... HA! 

The family ready to hit the road...

In the car...

From the other side...

At home on our couch...

And next post, I will have some photos from our weekend... first baths, and all that sort of fun!


  1. Did James look really big to you after you had Tyler? I remember when I had Lea Max was still a baby but he looked so BIG! :)

  2. I could go crazy "liking" all your pics on Facebook! Can I just give an universal LOVE for every picture you've posted and every one to ever come?!


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