
Thursday, October 14, 2010

tiny Man Update

Our little tiny man is doing so well today! They took him off of the feeding tube this morning and he's now strictly on bottle feedings... YAY! We sincerely hope that all of his feedings go well from here on out and that we can bring this bundle of joy home with us at some point over the weekend. I know that he has a lot of family that is ready to meet him... cousins and a very young aunt & uncle that have felt very cheated by the "no visitors under 14" rule.

I personally can't wait to get my boys both home and get some serious snuggling in before I have to go back to work... James will continue to go to the baby sitter during the day, but I'm sure that while Daddy is getting his time in after work with Tyler... I can snuggle up with that big boy and get in some play time too.

It will certainly be a bit of a different experience with a newborn this time around - because at least I won't be dealing with morning sickness... can I get an AMEN?!


  1. It so good to see him without that feeding tube, but boy, did it leave on heck of a mark on his cheek! I had to do a double-take, thinking that maybe momma had kissed the sweet cheeks to the point of pink! :)

  2. Aw, I'm so glad he's doing better! I sure hope he's home for the weekend :)


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