
Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Little Treats

Before we get into the photos from this weekend - I need to share the preview from our newborn/6month/family photo session from earlier in the month. They are so stinking cute - I can't wait to see how the rest of them turned out. But you simply MUST go take a look... here at Freckles Fotography... I'll wait... scoot on over there and then come back to see the rest.

Alrighty... so here is what we were up to at our house this weekend... enjoy!

 Daddy and his boys...

Clowning around before a bath...

It's wrong to be this cute...

Working hard at tummy time...

I'd rather eat this pillow...

At home after church this morning... resting up for the Fall Festival tonight.

Getting ready to get costumed up...

My tiny little black kitten...

Look at my tail!

Kitten needed a little milk before heading out to show the world his cuteness

Mommy's precious little puppy... 

Look at those cheeks!

Last night, at about 2AM... James went to his room for the first time. It was a moment of pure weakness by Mommy because she got really irritated with him, and decided that he needed to go upstairs to get some sleep. My thought was that we were going to have a cry it out session - but in the end... he never made a peep. He just went right on back to sleep - or well he'd been up since 12:30... and stayed there until roughly 5:30 this morning. 

I cried when I saw him up there on the video monitor... right after coming back downstairs, but I've got to get over the separation anxiety at some point. It just seems so far away - which makes me sad. Our next house - is going to have to be a 1 story! He did great though, and didn't wake up quite so sweaty... the bassinet has a plastic mattress and it doesn't breathe... so I think that part will be good for him. 

We put Tyler in the bassinet last night as well, but after a day of nesting on his Daddy - he wasn't so thrilled about not being cuddled up with his parents. Hopefully tonight will be better on that front - we haven't cuddled quite as much... so we'll see. James is heading up to his room in just a few minutes to try his first full night upstairs... Mommy misses him already, but hopefully this will allow him to get back into his sleeping through the night routine - because his little brother has gotten him off schedule by waking up so often in the night. 

Tomorrow, Tyler and I are going to another doctors appointment for Mommy... and then we're having lunch with Daddy and a coworker of his. It'll be a busy morning for us, but maybe we'll get a good nap when we get back home in the afternoon.

Since the weekend was so busy... you've got one more day to get your questions posted in the comments section for Q&A. I will get the answers posted by Tuesday evening... the give-a-way is still coming up this week too... so hang in there - this time they are giving me a bigger allotment for the prizes - so they'll be bigger and cooler than ever!


  1. I didn't see the little tail earlier! How cute!

  2. Kim the pictures are awesome! And I really think the boys look alike! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend with your two precious little guys :)

  3. Aw, the pics from the photo shoot are amazing!!

    Your boys are just adorable... I love their cute little costumes. Has anyone else mentioned James looks like your husband? I think he does.

    I hope y'all had a happy Halloween. :)


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!