
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Birthday Extravaganza 2010

In the month of October there are 7 birthdays within the immediate family on my Dad's side... and 2 on John's family's side (if you include Tyler again in the count) - so this weekend was FULL of celebrations!

On Saturday, my sisters along with their families and ours met at our Dad's house for the big celebration... there was swimming, playing, football, lots of food, gifts, and of course CAKE!

This was the cake for everyone - very clever way to get everyone on there... and look who is at the top!
All of the birthday peeps blowing out the candles... John is stepping in for Tyler.

The birthday peeps (from left)
Back row: Lynne (stepmom), Tyler, and Kevin (brother-in-law)
Front row: Taylor (niece), Brittany (niece), Josh (brother), and Gabby (sister)

James lovin' on his Aunt Cathi

Robert enjoying his annual dessert... HAHAHA - it's cake layered on top of a TON of ice cream. He really does only eat dessert that rarely!

The gift opening begins... Mommy stepped in an opened Tyler's gifts for him!

More presents...
Still more gifts...

James enjoying some playtime with his feet...

Joshy opening our gift... he loves building things - so John got him Tinker Toys... too cute!

There was also plenty of time for Tyler snuggles... here he is with his oldest cousin, Megan.

And with his Papa... aka - My Dad

James eating his dinner... yummy sweet potatoes!

As I mentioned - football... Texas A&M football is extremely important to our family...

Tyler snuggles with his cousin Brittany...

On Sunday, we celebrated my father-in-law's birthday at our house with a big dinner... steak, Ceasar salad, fried shrimp, baked potatoes, garlic bread, and of course more cake!  I also got to go out shopping with my sister-in-law for a while too while the grandparents helped John with the boys... it was AMAZING. Who knew that I'd get so excited about going to Target after 7+ weeks of not being able to go out either at all or to anywhere other than work.

John and MawMaw with the boys...  

James helping PawPaw with his candles...  

I can't tell if James is telling him his Christmas list - or his plans for his birthday party in April... HAHA!

Still talking about that list or party... while everyone else watches.

That was our weekend... busy busy busy... but so much fun. The boys were GREAT, and even though we were all exhausted - I think we had a really good time. I was so proud of James - he got his 6 month shots on Thursday afternoon before all of this fun... we hoped that getting them Thursday evening would give him enough time to recover. It worked like a charm. He was sick most of the day on Thursday, but woke up on Saturday back to his normal self!

I guess my little man is getting to be a big boy - he enjoys going out shopping now... because there is so much to look at, and he's getting better at riding in the car too. He only gets super fussy now when he gets really tired, but if you can get him to hold on to his pacifier - he'll fall asleep in the car now!

Don't forget to submit those questions for me to answer in the comments section!

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