
Monday, September 6, 2010


About two weeks ago - the littlest man in my life (currently) started eating real food... rice cereal initially... and while I expected it to be a learning curve - this kid took to it like a duck to water. He LOVES it. Want to see proof...

He has a bit of a cold this weekend and is having trouble drinking his bottles... so we went ahead and upped him to breakfast cereal and dinner cereal... to make sure that he stays nourished. We changed him from the rice cereal to baby oatmeal... and he's loving that too.

Here is what he's eating:

Gerber Rice Cereal with DHA - 8 oz Gerber Rice Cereal with DHA - 8 oz

Gerber Oatmeal Cereal with DHA - 8 oz Gerber Oatmeal Cereal with DHA - 8 oz

Starting tonight - we're going to add in some veggies. Our doctor told us to start with the orange vegetables first, then go to the green, and finally add in some fruit after we work our way through the vegetables. I wondered why that was initially - I understood the fruit thing because if they start getting a taste for the sweet - they won't want the veggies as easily. But I was wondering why the orange over the green... and she told us on Friday while we were at her office getting his cold checked out - the orange veggies are slightly sweeter - so he'll likely eat them better than starting with the green ones.

Our plan is to start him off with sweet potatoes tonight, and stick with them for 3-4 days... then go to the squash for 3-4 days... and finish off with the carrots. From there, we might cycle back through them for a day or so before we get started on the green ones. Eventually we'll work our way through the fruits and give them to him with his breakfast. At 6 months, our doctor wants us to move up to the 2nd foods and add in some protein enriched baby foods.

A picture of by big boy in his new high chair...

Here are the foods we're starting with tonight...

Gerber 1st Foods Sweet Potatoes, 2-Count, 2.5-Ounce Tubs (Pack of 8) Gerber 1st Foods Sweet Potatoes, 2-Count, 2.5-Ounce Tubs (Pack of 8)

Gerber 1st Foods Squash, 2-Count, 2.5-Ounce Tubs (Pack of 8) Gerber 1st Foods Squash, 2-Count, 2.5-Ounce Tubs (Pack of 8)

Gerber 1st Foods Carrots, 2-Count, 2.5-Ounce Tubs (Pack of 8) Gerber 1st Foods Carrots, 2-Count, 2.5-Ounce Tubs (Pack of 8)

I'm heading out to try and sneak to get the lawn mowed for John... it's a self propelled lawn mower - so it shouldn't be much more than me walking along behind it... but John's got a monster cold, and we've got to get it done because our final home visit with the social worker as part of our home study  is on Friday!


  1. Mmm..sweet potatoes! I'm always tempted to try the baby food version because I think it looks good, but MEH. Not so much! It's so bland! I love that first picture! Nothing like the sweetness of a toothless smile! I wonder if I'll think that in 40 years when Todd & I are nothing but gums! HAHA!

  2. I'm so glad he LOVES to eat! That is a major blessing! We tried apples last night and they went over a lot better. I think we will try the sweet potatoes tonight.

  3. How exciting :-) When a was a babe I loved mashed bananas!!!


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