
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day in the Life

I had a post that I planned to write last night about something other than babies and my crazy life - but well... what can I say - life got crazy, and my predictable baby's bedtime routine didn't go as normal. So I opted to go to bed instead of writing the post. I'll try again tonight or maybe tomorrow... (more likely tomorrow)
In lieu of that post - I thought it might be interesting to some of you to know what a day in my life looks like right now... maybe later in the fall, I'll write another one and we can compare since it'll only get crazier - and I honestly can't even think about it or I'll fall over asleep in the fetal position right now.
So here goes... (starting from bedtime last night)
9:30 P - crawl into bed... or maybe I should say stumble?
11:30 P - wake up to potty and get a few kicks from Tyler
1:30 A - wake up to potty and get a few kicks from Tyler
3:45 A - James wakes up for a bottle... go prepare bottle so John can feed him... go potty and get a few kicks from Tyler
4:30 A - James and John are having a battle of wills... so I get up to see if I can help - from here the day starts, James hangs in his swing while John and I prepare for the day
4:50 A - Shower & get dressed
5:20 A - Prepare lunch and snacks to take to work, make sure that everything James needs it packed and ready to go for the day
5:40 A - Bandage the crazy dog's leg because for some reason it's decided that it needs to bleed
5:50 A - Unswaddle James and put him in his carseat
6:00 A - Leave for the sitter's house and work
7:00 A - Arrive at work - run around crazy for several hours
12:00 P - Lunch break... relax for a few minutes and read a little on my nook
4:00/4:30 P - John picks me up from work to head home to pick up James
5:00ish P - Arrive back at the sitter's to pick up James
6:00 P - Feed and play with James
6:30ish P - Figure out dinner for John and I
7:00 P - Eat
7:30 P - James' bath time, massage, and swaddle
8:00 P - James' last bottle of the night
8:30 P - James in bed
8:30-9:30 P - Clean up the kitchen, watch a little tv, catch up on Facebook, and try not to crash out on the couch
9:30 P - Stumble into bed...
Rinse, Lather, Repeat...
John is a HUGE help with all of this - so I don't discount that - there are some of those items that I am simply the assistant... but as you can see... it's a crazy life right now, so please forgive me if my blog reading has slipped... certainly the commenting has slipped... or if I forget to return an email or 15... I'm just trying to keep moving in the right direction right now... it's a wonderful blessing to be so busy and for the reason that I am. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world... one smile or coo from that little guy and it's a quick reminder of how great God is!


  1. Its a busy life, but its a blessed one too! :)

  2. Oh how I wish I could be there to help and live life alongside you! I'm missing out on all the craziness and some days that makes me sad.

    When I think about it, I could probably list a similar schedule for myself, but it's more tailored to what I'm doing for me or Todd. I'd gladly trade my time to be busy for the same reason you are. I don't see how serving my child would be any different than serving anyone but myself - I am joy-filled when doing so.

    I woke up yesterday morning with a heaviness of heart because my life is beginning to look so different than so many of my friends who are the same age/same stage of life. All have children or are about to have children. I was starting to feel left out from having nothing in common anymore. Life revolves around the children, so there's little to talk about or participate in because I'm not part of that club.

    I know you've been where I am...

    Your story is the only one I gain any amount of hope, instead of jealousy, from. Your story reminds me of God's faithfulness and ability to work miracles.

  3. Yes-the days are long momma but it's so worth it isn't it! You are doing a great job and hang in there. Sometimes I feel like robo-mom, but it's the best job in the world :)


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