
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Long Overdue

I have no excuse as to why it has taken me this long to get posts up with photos, but I'll just beg for forgiveness - because that's all I can do.

We had two other baby showers during the month of May... 1 given by my family and the other given by a dear friend for all of our church friends. So here are some photos from those.

May 18th Shower given by my Dad, Stepmother (Lynne), and sisters - Cathi & Cindy. It was a lot of fun...

My sister, Cindy, brought these adorable cupcakes from Dallas with her... and I LOVED them! 

James and I visiting with friends

Aunt Cindy and Cousin Taylor with James

My Dad with his first grandson - don't they look cute together?

Our next shower was on May 22nd - at our church given by James' Aunt Danielle... 

Brownie Bites with booties... adorable... and TASTY! 

John's parents with their first grandson... so cute! 

Danielle is really crafty - and I just loved these... and the baskets... there are three of them with different animals. 

A close up of the prayer magnets that Danielle made for us... does she "GET" me or what - argyle... love it!

Just a few photos of the celebrations for James coming into our family... I didn't really include any of us opening gifts - because well... lets just say that I'm not a fan of any photo that shows me sitting down right now... or my tummy... or anything with a double chin... HA! 

Don't forget to vote in the poll (top middle of the page) on what the gender of Baby #2 will be... the big reveal will be on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning!

1 comment:

  1. Kim, I love the photos... James is so precious. The magnets are great. What a good idea. Looks like a fun shower, family, friends and food. Hope you are feeling great. I have joined your blog, hope to catch up soon. Have a great upcoming week. Blessings, Audrey


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!