
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Better Late than Never - Winners

Alright guys - I'm sooooo sorry that I'm running so late on getting these winners chosen and posted. The weekend just got away from me, and this morning has been a giant mess.

I was supposed to go for blood work this morning first thing (fasting) but couldn't find my lab slip. I called my doctor's office when they first opened, and they asked me to call the lab because they send the slips over electronically as well as sending you with the hard copy... so I called two different collection sites only to be placed on hold for about 15 minutes at each site - with no one being able to figure out their computers this morning. Whatever!

So by the time I was done with the phone calls - it was time to feed James, and I decided to just go to the location next to my doctor's office (a 35 minute drive from the house) so that if they couldn't pull up the order - at least I was only across the hall from the doc's office.

In the meantime - I noticed that the numbness that I've been having just above my left knee was worse this morning. It was spreading down my left leg to my foot, and also was happening in my left arm as well. So I called both of my doctors to figure out what they thought I should do. One doctor thinks it is probably muscular... and my OB thinks that I need to watch it - if it gets worse or really starts tingling... then she wants me to go immediately to the ER and have them get me in to see a neurologist. Joy!

That's pretty much our day up to this point... the little mister is getting upset... so I'd better make it quick on the announcement.

The winner of the $40 gift card to KH Jewelry is #74 Beth! (Just email me and let me know what item you'd like me to ship out to you, and the address to ship it to.) 
The winner of the $10 gift card to Starbucks is #59 Diana! (Email me with your address to let me know where to send your gift card.)

I hope everyone had a good time with this giveaway - and that I'll be able to do another one soon. Please help me by giving me some more ideas on how to get my new name out there to more and more folks... I'd love to get any and all help I can... since I'm going to soon be able to blog more regularly!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have had a lot of craziness going on! I will be praying your knee gets better, that doesn't sound like much fun! Hope you and baby James are doing well! Love, Becky


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