
Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Name & Giveaway!!

Welcome to the new digs... I took a poll a while back and the name Faith, Grace & Giggles came up - and I instantly loved it!

The new look is courtesy of The Frilly Coconut, and I couldn't be more pleased. Jessica was fantastic to work with, and is so patient - she will keep tinkering with the design until it is something you absolutely adore! I'd highly recommend her to anyone looking for a new design, and the pricing is really reasonable.

As promised, as a part of this new launch party - a giveaway is here for everyone... so help spread the word for more chances to win!


1) Since everyone's wardrobe is such a personal thing - I couldn't just set out to pick an item that would suit everyone... so I thought that THIS would be a great giveaway item...


One item (yes, it can be a set) from my Etsy store valued up to $40... your choice!

2) Second prize will be something to enjoy while you come back to read my posts here on Faith, Grace & Giggles...

A $10 gift card to Starbucks!! WAH HOO! I know some of you are dieting, BUT remember that they do have light options, AND if I can go while pregnant (not allowed any caffeine at all) - you surely can find something that will appeal to you.


1) 1 entry for telling me what KH Jewelry item you'd like to win
2) 1 entry for telling me why you enjoy reading this blog/ what appeals to you
3) 1 entry for telling me what your favorite drink is at Starbucks and/or why you love the Starbucks experience so much
4) 1 entry for blogging about this giveaway and telling your readers why they should become a regular reader over at this little corner of the web
5) 1 entry for becoming a follower of this blog

*** Please enter each entry into a separate comment in order to be included for multiple chances to win.

Winners will be drawn next Sunday - May 30th at 6PM. If the winners don't respond within 24 hours - we will draw again.

Good Luck!!


  1. I love the Pearl and Blue Shell Necklace because I am a September girl (hence the blue) and my husband is a June guy and pearl is the stone for June.

    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  2. I love the Apple Chai.
    I think I love the spices and the mixtures together.

    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  3. What a generous giveaway.

    I like the sterling silver salvation bracelet.

  4. I've been a long time reader. I just enjoy hearing your story of becoming a mother and that you keep it real. Congrats again on your twice good news!

  5. I LOVE the Amethyst Bracelet...I love a lot of other things two...But this is my favorite!

  6. I enjoy reading your blog, be you inspire me! Your are such a stong person.

  7. I have never had Starbucks :( I have wanted to try it for awhile now...Im sure I would love something Vanilla...Does this count for number 3? :)

  8. I'm a follower!! LOVE your blog and LOVE your new look!!! She does do good work!!!

  9. I like the amethyst chip necklace. And I like the new name :)

  10. I originally liked the healthy eating stuff on your blog. And now I'm caught up in your life's story. I can't wait to find out if the next baby gets to wear pink or blue!

  11. I don't have just one favorite drink. I like the classic mocha, the javachip frap, and the earl gray latte. It just depends on my mood.

  12. Love your new look! My favorite piece of jewelry is the multicolor ceramic necklace. Very cute-- plus, I love chunky jewelry.

  13. So many options! I love the "Aqua Bracelet" :)

  14. I love reading your blog b/c I love YOU! And, I'm just so happy that you are so blessed with 2 babies in 1 year - WOO HOO!!!!

  15. Well, its no secret Becky & I are Starbucks addicts. GULP. In the winter I love the non-fat mocha with a shot of hazelnut & in the summer I like the non-fat iced caramel macchiato.

  16. I like the pink passion necklace.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  17. I don't drink coffee but our family enjoys Starbucks. My husband is a coffee drinker and likes the caramel macchiato. My kids and I like the baked goods they have there, especially the lemon loaf.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  18. ooh this is fun! I looooove the new design!!

    Jewelry--wooden fantasy set! I wear a lot of earthy/neutral colors and the set would go with like 70% of my wardrobe! :)

  19. I like reading this blog because you keep it real--the ups, the downs, the struggles, the good and the bad. We've seen it all, and you always maintain faith--even when it's harder than hard. It's a pleasure watching the adventure unfold! And of course now I'm following The Baby Chronicles! :)

  20. mmmm, Starbucks! right now it's the iced skinny cinnamon dolce latte (decaf for the time being)! I also get black tea every now and then.

  21. Girrrl, you know I'm already a follower!

  22. i follow (through facebook)

  23. i love the vanilla cappacino

  24. i have been a reader for a while now and i enjoy reading about you r life and strugles and how you pull through all of them, you are an inspiration to me

  25. i really like the Purple Iridescent Necklace

  26. I LOVE the Antiqued Black Necklace and Bracelet Set. SOOO pretty!

  27. I love your blog because I love your perspective. Your situation is unique and yet, relatable. I love that you voice it all, frustration, joy, sadness, happiness, hope, etc. It's refreshing. :)

  28. And my favorite Starbucks treat {especially in the summer} is a yummy mocha frap with whip and chocolate drizzle.

    That's my favorite.. it's gorgeous!

  30. I have two favorites at Starbucks:
    1) Coffee Light Frappucino when it's hot out
    2) Skinny caramel macchiato when I want a hot drink! Yum!

  31. I've been a follower for a couple of years now! :)

  32. 1.) The white Mother of Pearl set. White is so pretty for summer!

  33. 2.) Why I read? What appeals? Look in the mirror's YOU!

  34. 3.) Hmmm...Starbucks fave. Well, I'll go with vanilla soy latte with an extra shot. Only because I just had one last week and you definitely get what you pay for...meaning, if you're paying for a jolt of energy, YOU GET IT!

  35. 5.)

  36. Well... I don't wear much jewelery, but I do *love* bracelts! I like the Green strechy bracelet, there was a Green Shell one, and then I think the other one was aqua bracelet, or something like that.

  37. I love reading other WLS post-ops blogs... it's all about keeping it real, isn't it? And there's a sisterhood that we share that can't be denied!

  38. My favorite drink at Starbucks is Iced tea... I go through phases. For years it was Iced Green Tea, no classic, with extra ice. Now it's Iced Black Tea, no classic with extra ice.

    Just don't do coffee... but tea... I drink a TON of tea!

  39. I'm already a follower of this blog, so....

  40. I really like the Pink Passion Necklace. I love pink. :)

    kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

  41. I like the Pink Ceramic Set With Black Accents....pretty pretty!!

    perfectlyimperfect920 (at) gmail (dot) com

    ps. your blog looks so cute!

  42. I have enjoyed reading your story about adopting....I just really think it's amazing....and now...well, TWO babies?! Who wouldn't want to stick around for that?! :)

    perfectlyimperfect920 (at) gmail (dot) com

  43. I'm a follower!

    perfectlyimperfect920 (at) gmail (dot) com

  44. My favorite drink from Starbucks is the mocha frappachino....that the only thing I will drink from there! :)

  45. oops I think I just left a comment in the wrong post...but I love the green shell bracelet

  46. I love reading this blog because I LOVE YOU! And I am so glad God brought you into my life as a friend :)

  47. I am going to blog about it on my BLIZZOG too :)

  48. Venti half caff. iced caramel macchiatto

  49. I love the Gold Stone and Pearl Set! Just dripping 'summer" all over it.

  50. I love salted caramel hot chocolate from Starbucks!

  51. Your blog is REAL!! And that appeals to all of us.

  52. i love the Green Shell Bracelet

  53. i read because i love hearing about your miracle baby :)

  54. i love carmel light frapps! still love the whip and syrup on top though :)

  55. I love the Aqua Bracelet at your Etsy shop!!

    (kayr_80 at hotmail dot com)

  56. A Mocha Frappucino is my all time favorite Starbucks drink! Unfortunately I stop by Starbucks almost every day.

  57. I've never read your blog before but my friend Becky posted a link to your giveaway. That's awesome that you're having 2 babies so close together!! That's amazing! :)

  58. I like the aqua bracelet and the amethyst bracelet. So pretty.

    clarksrfun at gmail dot com

  59. I signed up to follow you.
    clarksrfun at gmail dot com

  60. I'm a follower of you blog now, too :)

  61. Blogged about it!!!

  62. I blogged about your giveaway too. :)

  63. i think the Unakite and Turquoise Necklace is awsome!!

  64. my FAVOURITE starbucks item is the green tea frappachino...sooo yummy

  65. I like the Green and White Set

  66. blog follower

  67. Very hard decision! I love the Green and White Set!

    kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  68. My favorite Starbucks drink is a Caramel Macchiato!

    kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!