
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Whirlwind April

Well, this morning - John looked at me and said "It's the 11th day of April, and we've spent 7 of those days in a hospital." Since we spent 4 (almost 5) of those in the hospital with his gallbladder issues... you might ask where the other three came from? Well...

I am thrilled to announce that today we signed adoption papers for this little guy...

This is James!! 
Born: 4/9/10
10:50 AM
7 pounds 5.2 ounces
19 1/2 inches

We brought him home today, and are settling in - we are all exhausted... but soon he'll be used to his new home and we'll be fine. 

Here is one more photo for the road... 

We are so blessed, and thank you all for your prayers - keep them coming as we get started with parenthood, and while the adoption is being finalized over the next 6 months. We are completely in love with this guy - and look forward to watching him grow.


  1. That is so awesome! Congratulations!!

  2. Well, I am just thrilled to bits! Congratulations! I hope you have some maternity leave from work! Just think, with John's temporary health problems with the stones, how hard would it have been to balance an infant in all that? God's timing was perfect and you got the perfect little baby of His chosing, with you and John specifically in mind! God is good! All the time! Congrats and enjoy and cherish every single minute of it!

  3. Huge Congrats Again!!! Just found out on facebook a little earlier:)

    SO Excited for you Both.. you and your husband!!! I can't say it enough.. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!

    Take care & Enjoy your Precious New Baby Boy..."Mommy & Daddy"


  4. oh how wonderful!! Congrats! He is perfect! Good luck with your first night home!!

  5. Congratulations! What a beautiful blessing! And he was born on my birthday!

    God has a special plan for you all.

  6. This is the moment we've been waiting for. We are so thrilled for you & John. I have been checking my computer every half hour for an update, so thanks for posting. Hugs!

  7. CONGRATS! I'm so excited for you two! I can't wait to hear more details!

  8. Oh my gosh! Congratulations! He is adorable. I hope that will be us soon and I can't wait to follow your parenthood journey. Take care and how exciting!

  9. How exciting!!! I love it! I am so happy I am the first to congratulate you. I am hopeful that will be us in July. Best wishes and I can't wait to follow your parenthood journey.

    PS - He's darling!

  10. I am just thrilled for the three of you. James is a perfect little bundle! I just want to share a little advice. The first 6 weeks are the toughest with the newborn:exhausting nights, constant worrying, etc. But, enjoy them! Before you know it, that newborn will be an infant then a teetering toddler. It goes by so fast! Enjoy your beautiful new boy!

  11. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Hearts, hugs, love and kisses a trillion times over!

    It may sound strange, but you LOOK like his mom in the last picture. I mean to say that you look like you carried him for 9 months and gave birth to him. The mommy-vibe coming from you is just that strong!

    What a truly wonderful's been a long time in the making, but as is true with most things that take a while, it's WELL worth the wait!

    He's absolutely precious and I cannot wait to watch as he grows in a home of faith, hope and LOVE.

    <3, AJ (any guesses?)

  13. OH! How wonderful! God is SO GOOD!
    I am a reader, never commented happy for you and your husband!
    Your baby is BEAUTIFUL! Congrats! You and your husband are literally glowing!

    Kimberly in Alabama

  14. Congrats on the newest addition to the family. What a little cutie? Babies are just so precious.

  15. Oh my god!!! How exciting is this!! It is such a blessing! I'm soo glad you got to bring him home!!!

  16. Wow! I am so incredibly happy for you!!
    Your son is gorgeous. :)
    I've fead a couple of your posts and I'm just so happy things have worked out for the better.
    He is perfect. :)


  17. You will probably take a million pictures of your new little addition. I know you all are in heaven right now. I know I would be. What an a amazing blessing. 3.5 years and he will be in my class! lol!

  18. Congratulations Kim and John! So happy for you!

  19. This is the most incredible news. Congratulations Kim! I am so happy for you three!

  20. what, what, WHAT?!?!!

    That is SO AWESOME....I just got chills ALL over. Congratulations!!!!!!!

  21. What a blessing!! I love you guys!!

  22. I'm trying not to bug you when you are so busy lovin' on that precious baby, but I just have to know. How's it going? Are you walking on air? How do you feel when you look at him? Is it everything you had hoped for?

  23. He's just so handsome! He has the best Mommy and Daddy too :) I am sooooo thrilled for you both!

  24. He is perfection!

    Congratulations to all three of you! The blessings have just begun...

  25. CONGRATS!! What a blessing!!
    God is Good!
    Always in my Prayers
    Summer :0)


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