
Monday, April 5, 2010

Nature's Bounty

Well, the patient is still hanging in there - although tomorrow we go to another hospital to get some more surgery done to get his jaundice cleared up. So in the meantime - I thought I'd show you the bountiful garden growing in my back yard... it's MUCH better than last year!

On the left, yellow squash... on the right, cucumbers.
On the left, sweet corn... on the right, green beans.

New potatoes

On the left, zucchini... on the right, yellow onions.

On the left, 4 different tomato plants (Roma, Heirloom, and 2 Big Beef)... on the right, jalapenos (in the back) and green bell peppers (in the front)
Our first tomato is forming on one of the Big Beef plants. 

On the patio, I have three strawberry plants... waiting for their bounty with plenty of sugar and whipped cream in hand! 

We have two of these beauties growing in the patio as well... aren't they gorgeous?!

Of course, Missy wanted to say Hi... after I snapped the photo she barked at me... too cute!! Maggie was busy doing whatever she does when she is in the house... probably scouting for food crumbs on the floor in the kitchen. 


  1. Your garden is lovely! Fresh ingredients always make a recipe better (and healthier too!).

    Still praying for John.

  2. oh my. i am so jealous of your garden. i love you. hugs to you and john.

  3. Love it. Love it to pieces. Hundreds of tasty, beautiful pieces.

  4. PS - the comment thing is acting winky, still. -JLI

  5. Woops. Meant to say "wonky". Not winky. Although winky could work, I suppose. And are you not using a captcha anymore? My comments posted right up without needing your approval. I wonder if that's because I'm an author here? Okay. I'm done now. Promise.

  6. I have tomato plant envy...mine are about 1/10 the size :'( green beans are way bigger so there :P

    ...too bad i like tomatoes BETTER than green beans :(

  7. I love vegetable gardens! How fun! You might want to transplant either your jalapeno or your bell pepper. If they are near each other, they'll cross-pollinate, and you'll have spicy bell peppers (which isn't a bad idea!!). You might also have great luck if you stick some bright yellow flowers nearby to attract some bees! Oh, and hang Christmas balls on your tomato plants before you get real tomatoes so that birds will peck at them, realize they aren't real, and then leave your real tomatoes alone once they arrive. These are some of my favorite tips:-)

  8. Wow what a garden!!! And your dog is adorable!!

  9. WOW, your garden is impressive! I could learn a thing or two from you!


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