
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Grind

I'm back to work today - since John is doing so amazingly well after yesterday's surgery. We went to see a specialist to do the third surgery, and literally it took him SEVEN minutes to get in and get the stone out. They came to get me for the doctor to talk to me, and I saw them wheel my awake husband past me and off to recovery. That was such a different experience than the first time he had that procedure. The first time what was supposed to take 45 minutes (the same time frame they quoted us yesterday) - took them 2 hours or more! It also took him a LONG time to wake up from that first procedure... so we were both really pleased that this one went so much more smoothly.

For the first time in about a week and a half, John was actually hungry and acting like he felt better last time... which was really lovely to see. I am so incredibly grateful that this was all able to happen and be behind us before we get a baby - I can't imagine trying to do it all with a small infant in the picture.

Like I said earlier - I'm back at work - and the pettiness is going strong. I just find it all pathetic and silly - because ultimately... they are going to great lengths to make this a miserable work environment, but I simply don't care. This place doesn't define me - it is a job. For me, it is a means to an end... a paycheck so that I can get on with my life and enjoy the things that are important - church, family, and friends. The rest of it just doesn't matter to me... and at this point, the more they do - the more I actually laugh at how rediculous it really is.

In light of me being away for a bit while taking care of John - I know I missed Talk to Me Tuesday yesterday... I honestly didn't remember what day it was until I got here this morning. Anyway, we'll just skip that feature for this week - and open up the comments section for questions to be answered as part of Question and Answer Wednesday.

My goal will be to answer some questions tonight - but keep them coming because I'd like to get back to the format where questions are asked and then answered the following Wednesday.


  1. One of the most sage bits of advice I've ever been given was from my grandma - consider the source. (The other was "sit back and watch.")

    I'm glad you're able to see it for what it is. I know some days are tougher than others to let it rolls off your back, so the best advice I can give is to center your thoughts on Jesus and trust Him to take you through the day with greater success than you could ever achieve apart from Him. :)

  2. So glad he is doing good!!! Kepping my prayers with you...


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!