
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Excitement Continues...

Things here at the old casa just keep getting wackier and wackier these days. Let me start from the beginning...

Roughly 7 weeks or so ago - I started feeling ill, A. LOT. Nausea took over my life, but as that has happened so many times over the last 10 years or so... I tend not to think anything of it for at least a month. It just is a common occurrence... so I just kept on trucking with life as best I could.

Honestly, my first thoughts were... I'm stressed... we've had a failed placement, John's illnesses, the stress of the new potential placement, and then the wild ride of actually adopting and bringing James home... so to think that it was stress... really wasn't a far stretch since all of that has happened since mid-February!

The thought started crossing my mind a little while before we got James that there might possibly be more to the symptoms than were typically usual for me... but I wanted to wait until we got to a certain point with that before really jumping off into that possibility. So, the night that we brought James home... I noticed that I was having to use the ladies room more often than normal... and that I wouldn't be able to wait until morning to take the test.

So, at 3 o'clock in the morning just after putting James down from a feeding... I took my test. Imagine my shock when the thing immediately came up positive! GAH! I walked back into our bedroom and gently asked John if he was awake... he of course was, and I told him "we're pregnant" to which he replied "are you freaking serious?" then we both laughed.

I called my doctor's office the next morning and made an appointment to get things confirmed before we really started getting used to the idea. Our appointment was today... and not only are we pregnant... but we're not just a little bit pregnant... we're almost through the first trimester! Baby H will be here on October 29th!

I've got some pretty risky health issues to overcome with this little baby, but according to the ultrasound and heart beat today - the baby is perfect. We will be watching my diet pretty closely and I've been strictly told to exercise 30 minutes a day... to which I have the pregnancy police living with me... so I'm sure I'll be holding to it as much as possible. (Love you honey!)
Said pregnancy police is currently trying to figure out exactly when the baby should come early so that it works around the Texas A&M football schedule. You gotta have priorities, right?! HAHAHA! He's only teasing... hopefully!

So, there you have it folks... how many of you have taken your 11 day old son to the appointment where you find out that in 6 months he'll be a big brother?! WHOA!


  1. Wow!!! Congratulations! God works in mysterious ways, doesn't He? You've overcome many odds in recent month, and I'm super excited for you and John. Congrats again, and I can't wait to hear about all your progress!

  2. AMAZING!!! CONGRATS!!! This is sooo exciting!! I actually have heard of a lot of people getting pregnant around the time of adopting a child!!!

  3. Oh my gosh Kim. That is so crazy! Congratulations. What wonderful news. You have certainly deserve it and I can't wait to follow along. Best wishes!

  4. WOW!! Congratulations! God is good! I have heard that usually after you adopt you get pregnant! What double joy! so deserve all of this! I am so very happy for ya'll....pretty soon you will be a family of four! WOW just AMAZING....see god does have a plan, even if we don't know exactly what it is yet!!

    Summer :0)

  5. I am just so floored by not only this news, but the fact you have just brought home a baby after all the heartache of infertility and a failed placement but also that Lacy and Meg are expecting as well! But that leaves me out this time and we were all together in our WLS! But I can be the voice of experience in a few years for you all maybe ;)

    Seriously, I am overjoyed for you! God is good, all the time!

  6. I am so excited for you! I hope the next 6 months are awesome. Follow the Dr.'s orders!

  7. Beyond thrilled for you my friend. God is good, oh so good.

    Did I tell how many times I have seen this happen? On my Fertile Thoughts Pregnancy Board with Madi, half of the girls were pregnant after adoption or IVF. CRAZY - awesome, but still crazy!

    Luv U!

  8. So that was a baby bump I felt when I hugged you at church on Sunday! Wow, wow, wow! Congratulations. It will be just like you have twins! How cool is that!

    Love, Debbie

  9. Congrats Kim and John! God loves to surprise us! You're going to be such an old pro now. I'm going to have tons of questions!!!

  10. the pregnancy police...*snicker*...i can already hear him :D

  11. :)

    Nothing more to say. You already know. xoxo - JLI (because the comment function is screwed up again...)

  12. Amazing how things work! Congratulation, be healthy and enjoy the experience ALL of it. :)

  13. I am STILL stunned every time I think about it. Completely unbelievable, this God of ours!

  14. oh wow kim, i havent had a chance to pop over here for a bit, and what a great surprise I got when I finally did pop in! so so unbelieveably happy for you, what a journey hey!

  15. Oddly enough, the thought popped in my head a couple of times that you might be pregnant but I assumed that it was a crazy thought (if you know what I mean).

    This is such great news! I know how much you wanted to carry a child and while I know you didn't "settle" for adoption, I am so glad that you are able to experience both ways. Ok, I am pretty sure that this isn't coming out right so I will stop now and say . . .


  16. I am just so excited for ya'll! Amazing!!! Take care of yourself girl & I can't wait to read more about James & the new baby.

    Lots of lovin'

  17. Ok, I realize I'm a couple of days late on this - but CONGRATULATIONS!

    How GREAT is our God!

  18. Visiting you from Summer's blog. Many happy wishes on your new son and your pregnancy.


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