
Friday, April 2, 2010

Is It A Stay-Cation If You Spend It At The Hospital?

Hello friends! JLI here stopping by to drop a few words for my good buddy, Kim.

As we all know, The Hawkins Family has been busy. But a few days ago, things got a little busier.

A few days ago, Kim informed me she was taking John to the hospital because he was dehydrated and in some pain. As it turns out, the pesky gall bladder decided to make its presence known. After some testing, they found out a gall stone was loose but also that his GB would need to come out. Surgery was scheduled to remove the loose stone by going down his throat (I'm sure there's some fancy medical term for doing that, I just don't happen to know what it is, so please bear with the elementary "terms" being used here). As it turns out, the surgeons were unable to get the stone, so an MRI was scheduled to check further. As if this isn't enough, the doctors found out the stone was stuck in his bile duct and he was jaundiced as well (style may not be my forte, but I don't think yellow is a good look on most people...).

As of today, doctors believe the stone may have passed on its own, but they are going to run more tests. John was just taken back for the lap surgery to remove his gall bladder. Kim said he was feeling much better today and not in a lot of pain, praise God!

Hopefully he will be coming home tomorrow; we'll know more later on today.

Although this is a very routine surgery, Kim & John would welcome your prayers for a speed recovery, rest for them both and of course, for their adoption to continue to be covered in prayer as well.


  1. Thank you for the update! I was wondering about her.

  2. stones are really painful and that sounds like it sucks a big fat one :-( hope things are looking better soon...


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