
Monday, April 26, 2010


Why do you ask? Oh because this little blog of mine isn't getting much attention... well... I have no excuse other than life is crazy.

We've had a very busy weekend with James...

Saturday we had John's immediate family over to celebrate his Mom's birthday - it wasn't too much work for us... we provided the cake, and they brought take out BBQ... so we just hung out, and everyone got a chance to hold James. It's funny how tired I get when we're not even doing anything major... maybe I'm just wimpy now?

James had a rough night on Saturday - so our plans to take him to church for the first time on Sunday were scrapped... John ended up going alone while the little guy and I rested.

Later in the afternoon, James got to meet his Aunt Cathi, Uncle Kevin, and cousins Megan and Brittany. Each one of them held him for a little bit, and got to experience some of his charm. He really is a sweet heart.

Today was fairly relaxing - I had to run some stuff over to my OB's office... which I found out that I now have to start a second antibiotic for another bacterial infection. Funny that I never would have known that either existed if it hadn't been for this baby.

John has to sadly go back to work tomorrow, but at least it is just for the day - he's working Tuesday and Thursday this week... so at least we get the better part of the week with him. Tomorrow will be a flurry of bottles and naps - but it's such a wonderful joy to see this sweet little guy growing and I swear that every time I look over to see John with him...I get a tear in my eye.

I hope all is going well with all my bloggy friends - and hopefully I'll find a minute or two to come back and write a Talk to Me Tuesday post for you tomorrow!!


  1. I'm sure being pregnant is taking a ton out of you too, so with the lack of sleep of a newborn, it's amplified with what's going on in your body! I hope you can get lots of rest!! :)

  2. found you from B is for Brown! hope you had a great weekend and week. congrats on the babies :)

  3. coming over from summer's! congrats, kim!

  4. I hear congratulations is in order! So glad you are having fun with James, and best wishes on your pregnancy. It sounds like you have so much going on, so just take it easy, take care of you and enjoy!

  5. Coming over from Summer's blog! Congratulations KIM!!!

  6. Congrats!! what a blessing!! Thanks for the giveaway over at Summer's

  7. I have been out of town and just caught up on your post.

    OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! SO AMAZING! A baby in your arms and a baby growing!! So cool!!

  8. Stopping over from Summers blog. Congratulations on the pregnancy!!! That is soooo amazing!!!!!

  9. HI Sweetie! I am here from Summer's Blog. So good to have found you. and congratulations on your pending arrival. hugs xo

  10. Over from Summers....
    Congrats on your fabulous fortune!


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